TB Alliance

TB Alliance Stakeholders Association virtual meeting

TB Alliance will convene a special Stakeholders Association meeting as a virtual event on 23 June 2022.

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Webinar: Ending TB: Right dose, right time

On 11 April 2022, FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics, TB Alliance and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) will host a webinar bringing together a panel of experts to review both new and experimental tools that have the potential to end TB for good, and what is needed to bring them to scale and achieve public health impact.

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Shortfall in TB research and development funding persists as COVID-19 erodes hard-won gains

Statement on 2021 G-FINDER Report

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With TB resurgent after two years of COVID-19-inspired neglect, TB Alliance is awarded USAID funding to develop new treatments

NEW YORK, NY (20 January 2022) — Today, TB Alliance announced that it has received funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to jumpstart the search for new tuberculosis (TB) treatments, optimize current treatments so that they can treat children as well as adults, and strengthen health systems in high-TB-burden countries so that all people with TB disease can get treated and quickly return to full health. The funding of up to US$30 million will be administered over a period of 5 years.

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TB Alliance and Lupin announce commercial partnership for new therapy for highly drug-resistant TB

Agreement between non-profit product development partnership and multinational pharmaceutical company will expand access to new TB drug.

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TB Alliance: Community engagement virtual forum - recording now available online

On 12 August 2021, TB Alliance hosted a public webinar for community stakeholders to share details of the recently announced results from the ZeNix Phase 3 clinical trial. The trial revealed that the 6-month BPaL treatment regimen (bedaquiline, pretomanid and linezolid) remains effective against highly drug-resistant strains of TB with either reduced dosage or duration of the linezolid component of the regimen. Simultaneously, with the maintenance of efficacy, there was a decrease in linezolid associated side effects.

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TB Alliance: Community engagement virtual forum

On 12 August 2021, TB Alliance will host a public webinar for community stakeholders to share details of the recently announced results from the ZeNix Phase 3 clinical trial. The trial revealed that the 6-month BPaL treatment regimen (bedaquiline, pretomanid and linezolid) remains effective against highly drug-resistant strains of TB with either reduced dosage or duration of the linezolid component of the regimen. Simultaneously, with the maintenance of efficacy, there was a decrease in linezolid associated side effects.

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Dashboard: Access to the BPaL regimen

TB Alliance launched a webpage to provide information on national-level access to the BPaL regimen - a three-drug, 6-month, all-oral regimen composed of bedaquiline, pretomanid and linezolid for the treatment of highly drug-resistant forms of TB.

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Publication: Results of the acceptability and feasibility study of the BPaL regimen

TB Alliance and KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation published a study in BMC Public Health, focused on collecting stakeholder views (in Nigeria, Indonesia, and Kyrgyzstan) regarding the acceptability, feasibility, and likelihood of stakeholders implementing the BPaL regimen. BPal is a three-drug, 6-month, all-oral regimen composed of bedaquiline, pretomanid and linezolid for the treatment of highly drug-resistant forms of TB.

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Launch of UNITE4TB partnership marks a new era in TB treatment development

The partnership will accelerate the development of new TB drug regimens as part of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a public-private European Research & Development Consortium.

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