civil society

Civil society in India and Kenya get organized ahead of the Global Ministerial Conference and the UN High-Level Meeting on TB

Kenyan and Indian TB advocates urge their governments to take the lead in the global TB response.

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Letter from civil society to the governments of the Americas region

Mileni Romero from Venezuela, who is part of the Global Coalition of TB Activists (GCTA) and REDTBLAC (activist network of people affected by TB from the Latin American and Caribbean region), made a heartfelt appeal at the opening session of the 48th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Guadalajara, Mexico on 11 October 2017.

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Action Plan to address HIV and TB funding withdrawals in middle-income countries

The document is meant to serve as both a call to action and a plan for coordinating communications and activities to stop the attack on people’s lives and human rights in middle-income countries.

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Civil society groups issue appeal to medicines regulators and governments

Civil society groups appeal to medicines regulators and governments on the occasion of the 17th International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities.

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The Global Fund must not squander improvements to the TB response

Civil society statement following the 47th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Liverpool

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Meet global HIV and TB commitments now: a call for action and global solidarity

On October 27 - 28th, a group of 35 advocates from around the world attended a meeting, Financing HIV and TB Services and Advocacy in Middle Income Countries: Developing an Action Plan sponsored by ICSS and Open Society Foundations to develop an Action Plan to address funding withdrawals for HIV and TB in middle-income countries (MICs).

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India: Sewri TB Hospital: Healthcare Workers are vulnerable to TB and they deserve to be protected

As healthcare workers die of TB - physicians, health organisations, TB groups, public health experts, and associations of healthcare workers - call for urgent action.

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EECA: Civil Society Consultation to develop the Global Fund’s strategy for 2017-2021 took place

Suggestions and a strategy guiding relevant advocacy interventions for key priority issues to be considered by the Global Fund’s new Strategy have been developed.

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Treating drug-sensitive TB in India: Implementation of daily therapy with fixed-dose combinations

A briefing document outlines critical steps needed to implement a new policy from the Indian government to switch to standard daily TB treatment using fixed-dose combinations. This change, which is in line with global recommendations for proper treatment, is welcome but has yet to be put into action.

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Civil society urges the Health & Food Safety EU Commissioner to plan coordinated response to tackle tuberculosis in Europe

More than 45 civil society organisations co-submitted a letter to the new EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety to use his role to champion the need for an improved response to the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) epidemic in the European region.

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