
Aeras launches new campaign to protect healthcare workers from TB

ROCKVILLE, MD, USA, October 31, 2014 – Aeras launched TB Unmasked, a new campaign to raise awareness about the risks healthcare workers face on the front lines of the global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic, today at the Union World Conference on Lung Health in Barcelona.

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Aeras global campaign: #TBunmasked

Today we launch #TBunmasked, a global campaign to support the 50 million healthcare workers on the front lines of the global TB epidemic.

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Large trial will evaluate vaccine’s ability to prevent tuberculosis disease

Multi-site study underway in Africa

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Aeras: Undermined: A new movie

From the director of the EXPOSED series, Undermined explores the river of TB flowing out from the mines, and why a vaccine is critical to the global fight against this disease.

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Web tool highlights ongoing impact of tuberculosis in the United States

ROCKVILLE, MD – March 24, 2014 -- The tuberculosis epidemic continues to impact pockets of the U.S. population, according to a data visualization tool developed by the nonprofit biotech, Aeras. Launched on World TB Day, Aeras’s TB Crisis Tracker illustrates how the TB epidemic continues to impact the U.S.

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Film highlights TB epidemic in China and China’s crucial role in eliminating TB worldwide

March 21, 2014 – Beijing, China - A short documentary film exploring the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic in China has been launched by Aeras, a nonprofit biotech advancing tuberculosis vaccines for the world. “Hope: Developing Safe and Effective Vaccines to Fight TB” highlights China’s desire and innovative leadership in solving the global problem of TB. The film includes Chinese researchers who are leading the way in developing new vaccines to prevent tuberculosis. Featuring patients, doctors and top TB vaccine researchers, Hope illuminates China’s unique role in ending the global tuberculosis epidemic.

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Dartmouth and Aeras join forces to conduct study of new tuberculosis vaccine

Hanover, NH and Rockville, MD, March 19, 2014 – Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and Aeras, a global nonprofit biotech, announced a collaboration to jointly conduct a trial of a new vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), one of the world’s deadliest diseases. The vaccine, known as DAR-901, is related to the vaccine SRL-172, previously shown by Dartmouth investigators to decrease the risk of TB in a trial known as the DarDar Trial.

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Novel vaccine trial design aims to answer key TB questions

Prevention of infection study underway in South Africa.

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Mining is fueling a global TB epidemic

Tell the Southern African Development Community nations to prioritize TB R&D. Sign the petition.

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Global collaboration forms to advance Japanese TB vaccine technology

January 27, 2014 – Osaka, Japan and Rockville, MD, USA - Japan’s National Institute of Biomedical Innovation(“NIBIO”), Aerasand Create Vaccine Company, Ltd(“CREATE”) announce today that they signed a collaboration agreementon December 26, 2013, on the preclinical and clinical development of new mucosal tuberculosis (TB) vaccines based on NIBIO’s human parainfluenza type-2 (rhPIV2) vector technology.

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