Lancet Commission calls for renewed global response on TB

Without action, more than 27 million lives could be lost between now and 2050.

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Johnson & Johnson and Cepheid must expand access to TB drug and tests

TB is curable but remains the world’s leading infectious disease killer as pharma corporations stand in the way of affordable medical tools.

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Unprecedented focus on global public health at UN General Assembly

WHO urges world leaders to commit to progress on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response and to secure health for all, end TB, and reinvigorate SDGs.

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People affected by TB call for increased country-level ambition and accountability ahead of UN High-Level Meeting on TB

The Accountability Report of TB Civil Society and Affected Communities: Priorities to Close the Deadly Divide now available online in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Russian.

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Information note: New fair share funding targets for TB research 0.1% -> 0.15%

Treatment Action Group releases an updated Information note providing details on the new 0.15% fair share funding targets for TB research.

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Two TB CAB position papers published in Public Health Action

Two position papers, developed by the Global TB Community Advisory Board (TB CAB), are published in the September 2023 issue of Public Health Action.

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WHO’s operational handbook on TB infection prevention and control

The World Health Organization releases an operational handbook on TB infection prevention and control, providing practical advice to complement its evidence-based guidelines.

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Global Drug Facility announces price reductions up to 55% for bedaquiline

The new prices are valid through December 2024 and present price reductions up to 55% compared to the previous price of US$289 for a 6-month treatment course of bedaquiline.

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Six-week campaign for the High-Level Meeting on TB

The campaign calls for high-level participation in the 22 September meeting, and strong and ambitious commitments by all Heads of State and Governments.

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What’s new in the TB section of the 2023 WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines

The World Health Organization’s 2023 Model Lists of Essential Medicines, published in July 2023, features key updates to the TB section.

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