Items tagged with Vaccines

BCG: Old vaccine trains immune system (post)

Not only the acquired immune system but also the innate immune system has a memory. And the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis can stimulate this memory. After a BCG vaccination the innate immune system responds better to a wide range of other infections. Mihai Netea and colleagues from Radboud university medical center discovered and described how that works. They think that the old vaccine could be useful for specific target groups, such as the elderly.

Tulane researchers working on new tuberculosis vaccine (post)

Researchers at the Tulane National Primate Research Center (TNPRC) are leading efforts to find a new vaccine for tuberculosis, one of the world’s deadliest diseases. Tuberculosis, a contagious infection of the lungs, affected more than nine million people in 2013, killing more than one million.

South Africa plugs TB vaccine gap (post)

Cipla Medpro has sealed a deal to supply South Africans with a variety of vaccines, including BCG, which is administered to newly born infants to prevent tuberculosis.

Study offers new recommendations for TB vaccine testing in humans (post)

When results from a landmark tuberculosis vaccine trial in Cape Town, South Africa were published in The Lancet in February 2013, the headlines were grim, despite hopes that the trial would point toward a successful way to thwart one of the globe’s biggest public health threats.

TB vaccine candidate shows excellent safety and promising immunogenicity (post)

Lausanne / Zaragoza / Madrid / Porriño / Lelystad, 17 November 2016 – For the first time, a live-attenuated tuberculosis vaccine – MTBVAC – has been evaluated in humans. MTBVAC – evaluated in 36 human volunteers with no signs of previous exposure to M. tuberculosis – showed excellent safety and promising immunogenicity profiles. The results of this clinical trial, conducted in Lausanne, were published yesterday in the journal THE LANCET Respiratory Medicine. Following this promising evaluation, a subsequent study that will evaluate safety and immunogenicity in humans in an endemic setting has recently started in South Africa.

OHSU Doernbecher awarded $3 million to advance tuberculosis vaccine research (post)

December 7, 2015 - Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University have been awarded a $3 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to study whether a particular group of infection-fighting cells, known as T cells, may be viable for the development of a vaccine aimed at combatting the global tuberculosis epidemic.

Is chemical exposure in mothers, babies, linked to poor vaccine response? (post)

Early life exposures to toxic chemicals such as PCBs and DDT dampen an infant’s response to the tuberculosis vaccine, according to a new study from the University of Rochester Environmental Health Sciences Center.

Presentations TBVI symposium: TB vaccines and immunity (post)

On 3 February 2016 the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) organised the symposium: TB vaccines and immunity.

Denmark: Statens Serum Institut has procured a tuberculosis vaccine from Japan (post)

Due to production issues and rehabilitation of the BCG production line at Statens Serum Institut (SSI), the SSI’s BCG vaccine against tuberculosis has been on back order for a substantial period of time, and the current outlook is that the SSI will remain unable to provide the vaccine at least until the end of 2016. Furthermore, there is a general lack of BCG vaccine on the world market, including in countries which have included the vaccine into their childhood vaccination programme.

A new TB vaccine is in the works, and here’s why India is excited (post)

What is the VPM1002 tuberculosis vaccine?

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