Items tagged with Vaccines

TAG's 2021 Pipeline Report: TB chapters released (post with simple image)

Treatment Action Group (TAG) launches newly available TB chapters of its 2021 Pipeline Report.

TB survivors call on G20 to invest in new TB vaccines (post with simple image)

TB Vax ARM launches a campaign calling on G20 governments to fulfil their funding and political commitments to develop new TB vaccines.

Advocates call on European leadership to fulfil their commitment to new TB vaccines (post with simple image)

TB Vax ARM launches a campaign calling on the European leadership to fulfil their political and funding commitment to deliver new vaccines to end TB by 2030.

European commitments to TB R&D investments: Promises made to be broken? (post with simple image)

A brief, released by Treatment Action Group, outlines the pathway the EU can take to scale up support for TB R&D, and advance the many European-sponsored TB vaccine candidates currently in the development pipeline.

Urgent call for better use of existing vaccines and development of new vaccines to tackle AMR (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization releases the first-ever report on the pipeline of the vaccines currently in development to prevent infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant bacterial pathogens.

TAG's 2022 Pipeline Report: The latest TB vaccine research (post with simple image)

Treatment Action Group (TAG) launches the first TB chapter of its 2022 Pipeline Report.

An investment case for new TB vaccines (post with simple image)

A document summarizes the results of the WHO-commissioned full value proposition for new TB vaccines.

WHO announces plans to establish a TB Vaccine Accelerator Council (post with simple image)

The Council will facilitate the licensing and use of effective novel TB vaccines catalysing high-level alignment between funders, global agencies, governments and end users in identifying and overcoming barriers to TB vaccine development.

Act now: A call to world leaders to increase investment in TB vaccine R&D (post with simple image)

Global TB community calls on world leaders to increase political and financial commitments to develop and roll out new TB vaccines as a central part of the global TB response.

Wellcome and the Gates Foundation to fund late-stage development of a TB vaccine candidate (post with simple image)

Wellcome and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announce US$550 million funding to advance a TB vaccine candidate, M72/AS01E, through a Phase III clinical trial that could be the first in 100 years if proven effective.

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