Items tagged with Vaccines

6th Global Forum on TB Vaccines shifts to virtual format (post)

In response to the increase in rates of COVID-19 infection and the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, and recognizing the challenges and uncertainties around changing travel restrictions and local and regional mandates, the 6th Global Forum on TB Vaccines will be convened as a fully virtual event. To facilitate participation, it will now take place over four days, from 22-25 February 2022. Read the full COVID-19 statement here.

New vaccine may provide better treatment for TB (post)

A new vaccine against tuberculosis may also be used as treatment. The vaccine is safe to give to people with tuberculosis disease and strengthens the immune system's ability to attack the bacteria that cause the disease, a new study shows.

Model of new TB vaccine shows its potential impact and value in South Africa and India (post)

Two years of battling COVID-19 has been bad news for tuberculosis (TB) programmes. Respiratory clinicians and researchers have had their time and focus directed elsewhere. And TB has taken advantage. In 2021, the number of TB deaths rose for the first time in over a decade.

Finally cause for optimism about TB vaccine research, says Fauci (post)

There is finally “cause for optimism” in the quest for a tuberculosis vaccine, Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAD), told the opening of the sixth Global Forum on TB Vaccines on Tuesday.

Good and bad news about new TB vaccines (post)

The 6th Global Forum on TB Vaccines was held virtually on 22-25 February 2022. Professor Mark Hatherill, director of the South African TB Vaccine Initiative, addressed the Forum in a session on New Horizons for TB vaccines, warning that the TB vaccine pipeline is depleted with little progress of candidate vaccines through the pipeline in the last few years, creating a serious problem for the next decade of vaccine development.

BCG vaccine Phase 2 study launches for pediatric type 1 diabetes (post)

Boston-based Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), in partnership with NYU Langone Health, announced on March 1, 2022, a multi-center phase 2 clinical trial has launched to investigate a new BCG vaccine treatment for pediatric type 1 diabetes, even in subjects with established disease.

Technical advisory group on development of a WHO roadmap for global introduction of new TB vaccines (post)

The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking experts to serve as members of the Technical advisory group on development of a WHO roadmap for global introduction of new TB vaccines.

How to make the TB vaccine more effective (post)

Adding an antibody to the widely-used tuberculosis vaccine significantly improves its long-term effectiveness, research in mouse models has shown.

Accelerating research and development of new vaccines against TB: a global roadmap (post)

To eliminate TB globally, new effective and affordable vaccines are needed. Initiated and funded by the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), a Global Roadmap for Research and Development of Tuberculosis Vaccines was developed between September 2019 and February 2021. A review, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, listed the actions needed to accelerate the development and implementation of new TB vaccines using a participatory process.

Mission end TB: NARI-ICMR moves ahead with phase 3 trials for world’s first TB vaccine (post)

In a breakthrough for eradication of tuberculosis, the Pune-based National AIDS Research Institute (NARI) under the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is moving forward with phase 3 trials for a vaccine for TB in healthy household contacts or newly diagnosed positive pulmonary TB patients.

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