Items tagged with Treatment

How to access the bedaquiline donation program: step by step (post with simple image)

This is a note for implementers providing a general overview and reviewing the steps they need to take in order to access the drug.

MSF response to announcement of Otsuka’s donation programme for the TB drug delamanid (post with simple image)

MSF continues to express concern over the use of limited-scope donation programmes as a primary means of providing access to new TB drugs in countries affected by drug-resistant TB, as they are not a long-term solution to facilitating scale-up of treatment.

TB Alliance launches “Nix-TB” clinical trial to test new XDR-TB treatment (post with simple image)

First clinical trial to test a new all-oral regimen for extensively drug-resistant TB; Nix-TB is a critical step in the development of a universal treatment for all types of TB.

Treatment of drug-resistant TB with new and repurposed medications: A supplemental field guide for nurses (post with simple image)

The guide focuses on issues of importance to nurses and the types of care they provide to individuals with drug-resistant TB.

Peru: She's got one of the toughest diseases to cure. And she's hopeful (post with simple image)

Drug-resistant tuberculosis is not only airborne and lethal; it's one of the most difficult diseases in the world to cure.

India: Tackling TB: It leaves a person with depression, no energy, recalls survivor (post with simple image)

Life came to a standstill when Marzia Dalal, a city-based corporate legal consultant and mother of two children, was diagnosed with Tuberculosis (TB) in her late 30s. She needed a stronger regimen to tackle the multi-drug resistant (MDR) strain as her initial treatment had failed.

The need to accelerate access to new drugs for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (post with simple image)

There needs to be a major scale-up of treatment for MDR tuberculosis that matches the scale-ups that have already been achieved in treatments for HIV and drug-susceptible tuberculosis.

Russia: New TB drugs having impact against resistance (post with simple image)

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) says a new combination of drugs created to treat extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) is having a significant impact on a group of patients in the midst of a two-year treatment to cure their disease.

Efficacy results of Otsuka’s delamanid (Deltyba™) for XDR-TB published in the New England Journal of Medicine (post with simple image)

Analysis of data from Phase IIb trial showed that delamanid plus a background regimen may be a promising treatment option in complex, difficult-to-treat XDR-TB patients.i

Uzbekistan: “Please, never give up. You too can beat TB.” (post with simple image)

Tetyana Pylypenko is from Ukraine and has been working with MSF for over 10 years in her home country and abroad. She comes from a nursing background, and in 2014 held the position of Medical Team Leader in Nukus, Karakalpakstan region, Uzbekistan. Below she explains more about her work with tuberculosis (TB) patients.

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