Items tagged with TB programs

Guide for the Procurement of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs (document)

This guide, intended for national TB programmes, national drug programmes or central medical stores and their partners, deals with how to improve supplies of essential drugs in low- and middle-income countries.

Surveillance of Communicable Diseases in European Union: Long Term Strategy (document)

The strategy, updated from a prior project based approach to a more coordinated one in 2005, provides standardized definitions for the terms and scope of surveillance, its aims and objectives, and its organisational requirements. It also outlines ways to support EU Member States and presents an implementation framework.

The National Tuberculosis Health Sector Strategic Plan for Ghana (document)

This National TB Control Programme (NTP) builds on the previous 2002–2006 strategic plan. The overall aim is to achieve "the World Health Assembly (WHA), STOP TB Partnership and the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets" by focusing on universal access to critical TB control interventions while addressing emerging issues which previously have been given little attention. It outlines required technical assistance in identified key areas: DOTS expansion, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), human resources development,laboratory services, and drug management. In addition, advocacy, communication, and social mobilization will play a key role in this plan in all areas

Implementation of HIV/TB Collaborative Activities for Ghana: Technical Policy and Guidelines (document)

This documents offers a policy framework in which to conduct a coordinated national response to reduce and control the dual infections. Prior to this policy, the National HIV/AIDS Control Programme (NACP) and the National TB Control Programme (NTP) worked independently of each other. It lays out strategies for joint collaborative activities such as housing services in same facility, earlier and increased TB and HIV case detection, improved case management and active involvement with the community.

Guideline for the Clinical Management of TB and HIV Co-infection in Ghana (document)

This manual is a pocket guide and a simple reference tool available to all care providers at all levels of health care provision for easy management of people living with HIV (PLWHIV) and TB patients presenting to the facility for care. It provides easy to follow steps and algorithms for medical specialists, medical officers, clinical residents, medical students nurses and pharmacists It aims to standardize care and to ensure that proper and adequate care is provided to the patient presenting with either condition.

Guidelines on management of Leprosy and Tuberculosis in Kenya (document)

This guidelines document aims to address challenges experienced in health services due to the tuberculosis and HIV epidemic in the face of the socio- economic environment. The policy identifies areas for increased support such as: human resource capacity strengthening in order to coordinate effective control activities, decentralisation of control services to the community level, increased collaboration between TB and HIV control programs for delivery of integrated TB/HIV services, sustained public health education campaigns to promote early care seeking and adherence to treatment at community level, promotion of private–public partnerships to increase the number of non - public providers integrated into the TB service provider network and health care worker training and support for better TB case management by health care providers.

Guidelines for Implementing TB-HIV Collaborative Activities in Kenya: What health workers need to know (document)

The purpose of this guideline is to give direction to implementers of TB-HIV collaborative activities. It seeks to show how, where, what, and who will implement TB-HIV activities. It presents various activities in which to reach this aim including: setting up a coordinating body for TB/HIV activities, surveillance of HIV prevalence amongst TB patients, joint TB/HIV planning, monitoring and evaluation and intensified TB case finding.

Managing Pharmaceuticals and Commodities: A Guide for National Tuberculosis Programs (document)

This guide aims to assist in strengthening National Tuberculosis Program's (NTP) effectiveness by providing information on how good pharmaceutical management can contribute to the outcomes of the TB program. It is made for those who have varying degrees of background in tuberculosis control such as NTP leadership, other Ministry of Health (MOH) units with which the NTP works closely in procuring and financing tuberculosis (TB) medicines, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and donors involved in TB control.

MOST for TB: Management and Organizational Sustainability Tool for National TB Control Programs (document)

This document outlines a structured and participatory process for improving the management of a NTP, and assisting organizations to map the development of key management components and use these results for planning improvements and monitoring progress. It can help to assess management performance, develop a concrete action plan for improvement and carry out the plan.

Canadian Tuberculosis Standards (document)

This guideline document is meant to be a definitive resource on tuberculosis prevention and control issues in Canada. In contrast to provincial/territorial guidelines, which describe how an action is to be performed, this national standards document presents what should be done in order to provide the foundations on which care can be based.

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