Items tagged with TB programs

Putting people at the centre of care is the surest path towards eradicating TB (post)

Aside from addressing stigma and improving detection, perhaps most important is recognising that TB is both a social and an economic disease.

'Zero catastrophic cost' TB milestone elusive in India as 6 in 10 households face economic distress (post)

11 May 2024 -- Six in every 10 tuberculosis-affected households in India experience “catastrophic” costs, a study has suggested, indicating that the central TB control programme’s milestone to eliminate the infection’s economic distress to households by 2020 remains unachieved.

WHO #EndTB webinar: WHO guidance on conducting reviews of TB programs (post)

The World Health Organization (WHO) will host a global webinar on 5 June 2024 on its newly-released guidance on conducting reviews of TB programs and undertaking TB epidemiological reviews and assessments of TB surveillance and vital registration systems.

Pandemic resources and better living conditions are key to tackling TB in Southeast Asia (post)

The resurgence of detected TB infections after the pandemic has revealed persistent challenges in Southeast Asia, where socioeconomic factors exacerbate the disease's prevalence. Innovative strategies, such as AI-assisted detection and international cooperation, are critical to eliminating the scourge.

US: Most TB elimination programs have made progress in reducing disease incidence (post)

Programs aimed at eliminating tuberculosis have improved throughout the United States, with most indicating reductions in disease incidence and higher rates of treatment completion.

In Bangladesh, an ancient disease is increasingly hard to treat (post)

Bangladesh, being densely populated, with more than 1,000 people living per square kilometre, continues to be a challenging context for control of TB. The rise of antimicrobial resistance raises the bar.

South African National Tuberculosis Management Guidelines (document)

These guidelines advise how to address the challenges of: TB control and successful management of all clients presenting with TB, especially those co-infected with HIV as well as early detection of drug resistant TB. The strategies laid out build on achievements of the DOTS strategy, however call for additional strategies to better address constraints and challenges in TB control. Including such efforts as: strengthening health systems, alleviating poverty and advancing human rights. Specific local aspects include improving continuity of care,ensuring equitable access to services, and improving the care of those co-infected with TB and HIV.

Guidelines for Tuberculosis Preventative Therapy among HIV individuals of South Africa (document)

These guidelines outline eligibility requirements and standard of procedure for prescribing Isoniazid Preventative Therapy (IPT) given an individual's TB and HIV status in South Africa. They are updated to include the current South African mandate which no longer requires the use of the tuberculin skin test to identify HIV infected people eligible for IPT. As authorized, "all HIV-infected people showing no signs or symptoms suggestive of active TB are eligible for TB prevention therapy." Also included are recommendations for regime dosage and duration as well as when and how to start.

Tuberculosis Strategic Plan for South Africa 2007-2011 (document)

These guidelines provide a strategic framework for what needs to be done to reduce the burden of TB in South Africa. The plan emphasizes implementing a coordinated multi-sectoral approach and highlights the need for: availability of adequate resources especially skilled human resources, sustained funding, partnership building, community mobilisation. Additionally, as stated in document "[f]ighting poverty to accelerate economic and social growth is critical for the success of this plan." It addresses the importance of having a functional integration of TB and HIV activities at facility level as well as priority infection control measures for MDR and XDR-TB.

Guidelines for Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in South Africa (document)

These policy guidelines contain recommendations for how to manage mono resistant, poly resistant, multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensive drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis patients in South Africa. The document focuses on the clinical management, referral mechanisms and models of care. It covers how to ensure comprehensive management of patients through psycho-social support as well as strategies for infection prevention and control in occupational health services for health care workers.

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