Items tagged with TB care

India: Staff shortage ails Sewri TB Hospital (post)

Even with the spike in the number of cases in Asia’s largest hospital for treating tuberculosis, Sewri TB Hospital continues to be short staffed. On a daily basis the hospital has to turn to Nair, Sion and KEM hospitals for chest physicians, psychiatrists, surgeons and aestheticians.

PharmaSecure advances to phase two of “Grand Challenges in TB Control” grant program in India, sponsored by The Gates Foundation and USAID (post)

New Delhi, India (August 10, 2015) - PharmaSecure, a leading global provider of brand protection and customer engagement solutions, has been one of four organizations selected to advance to phase two of the “Grand Challenges in TB Control” grant program, sponsored by the Gates Foundation and USAID, to find novel solutions to improve the health outcomes of patients with Tuberculosis (TB). Results from the first phase of the program in India showed that patients who were enrolled in PharmaSecure's psConnect™ patient management platform had a 60% increase in reported adherence to the TB drug regimen over non-enrolled patients.

Electronic reminders can help tuberculosis patients stay on medication (post)

Reminders to take medication, delivered to patients via an electronic pillbox, may be able to improve adherence to tuberculosis (TB) treatment. The findings, reported this week in PLOS Medicine, are the result of a cluster randomized controlled trial by Shiwen Jiang of the Chinese Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Katherine Fielding, of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and colleagues.

WHO: Checklist for periodic evaluation of TB infection control in health-care facilities (post)

The Checklist focuses on primary and secondary health-care facilitie and is a tool for protecting spread of TB to patients and health-care workers. The Checklist will be included in the WHO Consolidated Guidelines on the use of Antiretroviral Drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV Infection.

Staff deaths at leading hospital put India's TB battle in spotlight (post)

Oct 12 - Campaigners and a former official overseeing Asia's largest tuberculosis hospital in Mumbai say staff deaths there are being under-reported, highlighting India's growing struggle to contain multi-drug resistant forms of the contagious, airborne disease.

Why there might be more women suffering from tuberculosis in India than we think (post)

One of Asia’s largest facility for treating tuberculosis, the 1,200-bed hospital in central Mumbai’s Sewri area, is a relic of the British Raj. It has high ceilings and open corridors, it is airy and quite unlike other public hospitals which are teeming with people all the time. It has nine wards, only three of which are dedicated to women. There is usually an eerie quietness in these wards, even during visiting hours, as many women patients do not get visitors for weeks on end.

Georgia: Parliament suggests involuntary isolation as means to fight tuberculosis (post)

October 27, 2015 - Georgia is searching for new ways to fight tuberculosis (TB) and involuntary treatment of those infected by the deadly infection might be an option.

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