Items tagged with TB care

Undernutrition prior to and at treatment initiation for TB associated with unfavorable outcomes (post)

In 2021, an estimated 10.6 million individuals developed tuberculosis (TB) and 1.6 million died, making it the second most lethal infection in the world after SARS-CoV-2. Undernutrition, a deficiency of macronutrients and micronutrients, is the leading risk factor for TB globally, however its impact on treatment outcomes is poorly defined.

The Union: Free online training courses (post)

The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) offers a wide range of comprehensive, free online courses delivered by leading experts. The training and education programs are designed to improve overall lung health, and better manage TB in low-resource settings.

Undernutrition linked to increased mortality in multidrug-resistant TB (post)

Patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis with a body mass index of less than 18.5kg/m2 had a 2.8-times higher odds of death.

Vitamin D improves immune response to TB, study finds (post)

A rare patient has made it possible for researchers to prove that vitamin D—the "sun vitamin"—helps the body fight tuberculosis.

High risk of pulmonary hypertension found with history of TB treatment (post)

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is estimated to be highly prevalent among people with a history of tuberculosis (TB) who successfully completed treatment, a study in South Africa reports.

As with COVID-19, the effects of TB can linger long after it is cured (post)

According to the World Health Organization, of the roughly 10 million people who fall ill with TB annually, over 80% survive, in most cases due to a six-month treatment course. Unfortunately, as with long COVID, being cured is not always the last hurdle and many people go on to struggle with post-TB lung disease.

Standards of care: HIV, VH, and TB - good practices and ensuring prevention & care for people on the move (post)

The EU Health Policy Platform Thematic Network on HIV, TB and viral hepatitis will host a webinar on 16 February 2023 providing an overview of key standards of care for people living with or most affected by HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis (VH), TB (especially drug-resistant) and gaps. It will also look at ways to ensure continued prevention and care for displaced and mobile people and other migrant populations.

CROI 2023 TB research round up (post)

Treatment Action Group (TAG) released an overview of TB research data reported at the 30th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2023) held on 19-22 February 2023 in Seattle, Washington, USA. Highlights include the much-anticipated results of the SimpliciTB trial; additional analyses of the two-month TB treatment regimen studied in the TRUNCATE-TB trial; and the first clinical trial data on sutezolid since 2012.

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