Items tagged with TB care

Quality TB care starts with people (post)

"Human rights should be recognised in all TB policies, including enabling each person to know their TB status and to provide them with affordable, accessible, and equitable access to services and care." An opinion piece, published in Spotlight, elaborates on important aspects of quality TB care.

One-third of patients with TB-destroyed lung may have postoperative complications (post)

Approximately one-third of patients with tuberculosis-destroyed lung experienced postoperative complications, with certain subgroups at higher risk, according to new data published in BMC Pulmonary Medicine.

Bringing it home: Khayelitsha project shows how a focus on family can boost TB prevention (post)

Tuberculosis preventive therapy is highly effective in preventing TB disease and death, yet only a few people have access to it. Tiyese Jeranji reports in Spotlight on how Médecins Sans Frontières in Khayelitsha (Cape Town, South Africa) is helping TB patients and their contacts access preventive therapy in the comfort of their homes as part of a new family-centred care initiative.

WHO #EndTB webinar on preventing and addressing TB-related disabilities and improving quality of life (post)

To mark the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the World Health Organization (WHO) will host a special webinar, Preventing and addressing TB-related disabilities and improving quality of life, on 2 December 2021.

Lifetime burden of disease due to incident TB (post)

New study finds the consequences of post-tuberculosis adds substantially to the disease burden caused by tuberculosis.

People diagnosed with COVID-19 and TB died at a rate 20 times higher than those who were infected with only the coronavirus, study finds (post)

-- The more recently a person has been diagnosed with TB, the more likely they are to die from COVID-19 if they are infected, a new study finds
-- A person diagnosed with TB within 30 days of Covid infection is 20 times more likely to die than a person without TB who catches Covid
-- Those with a more recent TB diagnosis are also twice as likely to die of Covid when compared to people who were diagnosed before the pandemic
-- Researchers believe the Covid and TB prevention measures should be combined by health officials

Indonesian study reveals missed diagnosis of fungal infections in treated TB patients, with global implications (post)

A study of tuberculosis patients in six Jakarta hospitals has revealed up to 13 per cent of them had fungal lung infection – or aspergillosis – at the end of their treatment.

Drug-resistant TB in Afghanistan: We must continue to put people at the centre of treatment (post)

In recent years, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been able to improve patients' experiences of care for drug-resistant TB in Afghanistan, but the changing political situation in the country threatens to derail this progress. Anita Mesic, MSF TB, HIV, and hepatitis adviser reports in The BMJ.

India: New COVID-19 treatment guidelines include TB as comorbidity, advise against steroid use (post)

Revised COVID treatment guidelines: The health ministry has added active TB as a high-risk factor that can potentially cause severe disease and even mortality in COVID-19 patients.

Outcomes of a multicomponent diagnostic strategy for TB Infection (post)

A multicomponent diagnostic strategy was found to increase the number of patients being tested, diagnosed, and treated for confirmed tuberculosis (TB) infection, according to results of a cluster-randomized study published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

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