Items tagged with TB care

Romanian TB law adopted by the Parliament (post)

The TB Europe Coalition announced that the Romanian TB Caucus has been established and that the Parliament of Romania has adopted the National law for TB Prevention and Control after two years of an administrative delay.

Initiative to improve TB patients' adherence to treatment launched in Delhi (post)

The Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) of the Union health ministry has launched an initiative at the Lok Nayak Hospital here to improve patients' adherence to TB treatment.

Anchored in human rights (post)

Instead of surveillance technologies, help TB patients by providing rights-based interventions

Webinar: Introduction of the Nursing Guide for Managing Side Effects to Drug-resistant TB Treatment (post)

RESIST-TB and The Union’s Nurses and Allied Professionals Sub-Section (NAPS) will host a webinar on 16 January 2019 to discuss the Nursing Guide for Managing Side Effects to Drug-resistant TB Treatment, developed by the Curry International Tuberculosis Center (CITC) and the International Council of Nurses (ICN).

New project launched to consolidate sustainable TB care models in eastern Europe and central Asia (post)

A new Tuberculosis Regional Eastern European and Central Asian Project, referred to as TB-REP 2.0, has been launched. This project for 2019 to 2022, building on the previous TB-REP from 2016 to 2018, will consolidate past achievements and address new and remaining challenges while ensuring continuity. In particular, it will focus on improving tuberculosis (TB) prevention and care outcomes.

Social intervention in Brazil increases rate of TB cure by 7.6% (post)

The Bolsa Familia Programme — a conditional cash transfer program in Brazil — directly affects tuberculosis treatment outcomes, demonstrating a 7.6% higher rate of cure, according to findings published in The Lancet Global Health.

Smartphones help patients complete TB treatment (post)

Patients with tuberculosis (TB) are more likely to continue their drug treatment if they are supported by smartphones rather than attending face-to-face appointments, a new UCL-led study has found.

Findings from the George Institute could help reduce rates of TB worldwide (post)

New evidence from The George Institute for Global Health could help reduce rates of tuberculosis in Vietnam, and potentially worldwide.

South Africa: Drug-resistant TB hard to root out (post)

WORLD TB DAY: Although South Africa has the highest per capita burden of drug-resistant TB in the world, there are many barriers to addressing this – as one patient found out when it took doctors two years to diagnose him.

Improving TB patient care in the Russian Federation with video-observed treatment (post)

To help tuberculosis (TB) patients keep to their gruelling treatment regimens, WHO recommends that the intake of medicines is observed, in person, by a health-care worker, to support the patient in taking the medication regularly. However, ensuring daily face-to-face contact at a health facility can be challenging for both patients and health service providers. Digital technologies, such as video-observed treatment (VOT) can help meet this challenge.

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