Items tagged with TB care

Consultation meeting on finding missing TB cases through integrated community-based TB service delivery, 11 to 13 April 2018: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (post)

A global consultation meeting on finding missing TB cases through integrated community based TB service delivery was organized by the Global TB Programme (GTB) of the World Health Organization (WHO), on 11-13 April 2018 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

TB, HIV treatment failures map potholes along American road to care (post)

In a hospital serving an urban population, more than a third of patients with a confirmed TB diagnosis also had HIV. Of those, nearly three quarters had been diagnosed with the virus that greatly increased their risks of becoming sick from the world’s oldest airborne infection, with a median of six years between a test showing they had HIV, and a test showing they had become sick with tuberculosis. Among those 73 patients already diagnosed with HIV, only 10 were accessing the antiretroviral treatment that protected their immune systems and offered them a defense against TB. Even at the end of their treatment, when 74 patients had accessed antiretroviral medicine, the treatment had been effective enough to suppress the virus in only a little more than half the patients. Three years after they completed the treatment, fewer than a third had maintained continuous treatment for HIV, or suppressed viruses. The high rates HIV/TB co-infection, and low rates of treatment, as well as of viral suppression, compare unfavorably to those of some African countries confronting the highest burden of both diseases.

Study finds increased survival and cure rates for patients with HIV and MDR-TB when infections treated concurrently (post)

Patients co-infected with HIV and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) can achieve similar survival and tuberculosis cure rates to those infected with MDR-TB but not HIV when treated concurrently for both infections, according to a new study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. The study was led by investigators at the Emory Rollins School of Public Health, in collaboration with Albert Einstein College of Medicine, the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Smartphone app monitors on daily TB therapy (post)

 Johns Hopkins researchers report success with a smart phone video-based app that substitutes for a daily in-person visit by a health care worker required for tuberculosis treatment known as directly observed therapy, or DOT. The preliminary study showed that the app may be less costly and may improve privacy concerns raised by patients compared to in-person visits.

Nigeria’s struggle with ending TB stigma (post)

Abuja, 22 May 2018 – In March 2017, Sunny who works as a fashion designer in Abuja, Nigeria’s Capital, started coughing, experiencing chest pains, toe pain, and frequent headaches. The discomfort that came with these symptoms became unbearable and was beginning to affect his work so he decided to go to the hospital for a checkup.  To his surprise he tested positive for Tuberculosis (TB) when the results were out. 

Community health workers crucial in fight against TB (post)

An article published in Chronicle reviews the political commitment in Zimbabwe to raise awareness about TB through community TB care approach.

Social services support improved adherence to TB treatment (post)

People treated for tuberculosis in Ukraine are more likely to stay on their medication if they receive some social services, according to a study conducted by MEASURE Evaluation, funded by USAID.

GCTA Community Chitter Chatter on TB stigma in children (post)

Chinmay Modi, a young man of 25 years from India, living openly with HIV, struggled to get a correct diagnosis for TB for one and a half years before he was finally diagnosed with TB in his lymph nodes when he was 15. He took TB treatment for a year and today he is a strong TB/HIV advocate.

Message to world leaders: we cannot end TB without addressing the social and economic burden of the disease (post)

A comment published in The Lancet Global Health presented evidence for and underscored the importance of social protection interventions in ending TB.

New study uncovers vast variation and significant deficits in TB care in urban India (post)

On September 26, Heads of State will gather in New York at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly’s first-ever high-level meeting on tuberculosis (TB) to accelerate efforts to end TB and reach all affected people with prevention and care.

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