Items tagged with TB care

TAC survey: TB infection control falls short in many clinics (post)

JOHANNESBURG, THURSDAY 23rd MARCH: In the run up to World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) assessed the state of TB infection control in a number of clinics across South Africa. Of 158 facilities assessed, 114 were found to be in a “RED” state with very poor infection control measures in place.

Mitigating a drug-resistant TB epidemic in Papua New Guinea (post)

A support team for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients on Daru Island in Papua New Guinea (PNG) aims to provide psycho-emotional support, facilitate adherence and improve the wellbeing of people undergoing treatment. This innovative model engages and empowers the affected community in Daru by training a team of five peer counsellors, called “TB-PALS” (People Affected by, Living with, or having Survived TB) who support patients through 20 months of treatment to cure.

Ukraine: The surprising consequences of TB (post)

A rising tide of resistant TB in Ukraine meets a new drug and vigilant workers who won’t give up on their patients.

A doctor's life-enhancing experience of working on a humanitarian TB project (post)

Dr. Mark McNicol, a middle grade specialty doctor from Northern Ireland, recently spent 9 months working for Medicines Sans Frontières. In an interview with Medical News Today, he explains that the stigma of disease and the suffering of sick people living in poverty made a significant impression on him while treating patients with TB in the Eurasian country of Georgia.

India: TB in kidney recipients high, awareness low (post)

Chennai: With India known to have the highest burden of tuberculosis (TB) cases, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), immense pressure is being laid on the country to eliminate the disease soon. On the other hand, the number of kidney transplanted patients has grown significantly in the country. The link between the two is one that many are unaware of.

TB increases risk of osteoporosis, osteoporotic fractures (post)

Patients with a history of tuberculosis (TB) have a higher rate of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture, according to a study published in Osteoporosis International.

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