Items tagged with TB CAB

TB CAB, TAG open letter to the Global Plan Development Task Force (post with simple image)

Re: Programmatic and research targets for the Global Plan to Stop TB, 2016–2020

Letter from TB community re: intellectual property rights to sutezolid (post with simple image)

The letter urges Johns Hopkins to assure the timely and responsible development of TB drug candidate sutezolid if transferring any intellectual property rights to Sequella.

Open letter to WHO: Recording and reporting of preventive TB therapy in children (post with simple image)

Members of the global childhood TB community respond to the World Health Organization requesting additions to the End TB Strategy list of priority indicators related to the monitoring and evaluation of treatment for latent TB infection in children.

TB community reiterates request to Johns Hopkins to review sutezolid licensing agreement with Sequella (post with simple image)

The TB CAB and TAG restate their request to Johns Hopkins University to allow representatives of TB-affected communities to comment on the terms of any agreement with Sequella before it is finalized.

Appeal to develop VXc-486 for tuberculosis (post with simple image)

Advocates urge Vertex to assure the timely and responsible development of drug candidate VXc-486 for tuberculosis.

Urgent need to register quality generic versions of linezolid in South Africa (post with simple image)

TB advocates request that the South African Medicines Control Council prioritize registration of quality-assured versions of generic linezolid for the treatment of drug-resistant TB.

Advocates, alarmed by appalling global response to MDR-TB outbreak in Papua New Guinea, call on international agencies to take action (post with simple image)

Advocates denounced the global response to an MDR-TB outbreak in Papua New Guinea and urged international agencies to immediately intervene.

Advocates commend Johns Hopkins University for pursuing a public health driven path for sutezolid’s development (post with simple image)

TB advocates congratulate Johns Hopkins University’s decision to enter negotiations with the Medicines Patent Pool regarding the licensing of worldwide non-exclusive rights to sutezolid.

Activists call for withdrawal of substandard TB test from India (post with simple image)

TB activists urge the Drug Controller General of India to withdraw GeneDrive test for TB from the Indian market.

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