Items tagged with Scientific research

Promising class of antibiotics discovered for treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis (post)

Research led by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists has produced new versions of an old antibiotic that are active against difficult-to-treat tuberculosis; offers new strategy for overcoming drug resistance

Baylor international HIV/AIDS program to study genetic differences of disease in sub-Saharan African children (post)

A $3 million, three-year grant from the National Institutes of Health will enable researchers from the Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative at Texas Children’s Hospital to study the genetic factors that affect the progression of tuberculosis and HIV in one of the largest populations infected with the diseases yet to be studied– children in sub-Saharan Africa.

Applications welcome for ERS TB research fellowship in memory of Dr Walther Guerrero Ciquero (post)

The European Respiratory Society (ERS) offers a short-term fellowship each year to support the developing research skills of young doctors from low- and middle-income countries working in the field of tuberculosis. The one-to-three month project should be carried out in a European research centre.

Symposium at FundaciĆ³n Areces: A new horizon for preventive vaccines against tuberculosis (post)

TBVI, together with Fundación Ramón Areces and the University of Zaragoza, will organise an international symposium on 7-8 May 2014 in Madrid. This symposium will provide a stage to world leaders in the field of new vaccines against TB, to present to the scientific community their efforts and the results of the latest research. Among them are many scientists of TBVI's research partners. This symposium is open to everyone interested in TB vaccine development.

Creating a new ecosystem for drug discovery (post)

This industry needs to forget about intellectual property and pool resources if it is to have any real hope of discovering innovative new medicines, a leading scientist claims.

Vitamin A may help boost immune system to fight tuberculosis (post)

Tuberculosis is a major global problem, affecting 2 billion people worldwide and causing an estimated 2 million deaths annually. Western countries are once again tackling the disease, with recent outbreaks in Los Angeles and London.

Faster screening test to identify tuberculosis (post)

With 9 million new cases and 2 million deaths annually, tuberculosis is the second most prevalent and deadliest infectious disease worldwide. As an airborne disease, it spreads easily and is very contagious. Quick detection and identification is the key to success in preventing the spread of the disease.

Emergent BioSolutions to develop vaccines with Valneva's cell line (post)

Lyon (France), March 7, 2014 – European biotechnology company Valneva SE (Valneva) announced today that it has signed a new research license agreement and transferred an existing commercial agreement to Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE:EBS), to develop new vaccines using Valneva’s EB66® cell line.

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