Items tagged with Research and development

Global tuberculosis R&D takes hit with AstraZeneca site closure (post)

Last month AstraZeneca said it is shuttering an Indian research site as it moves away from neglected diseases to focus on areas with more potential for growth. With the site shutdown, the company plans to pull out of early-stage research on tropical diseases, tuberculosis and malaria but spare AZD5847, a TB treatment currently in Phase II development.

TB Alliance spins-out non-TB assets to TenNor Therapeutics (post)

NEW YORK, NY – TB Alliance, an international non-profit drug development organization that develops better, faster-acting, and affordable tuberculosis (TB) drugs, announced today that it has assigned certain patents covering novel bi-functional compounds and related assets to TenNor Therapeutics, a biotech company based in Suzhou, China. These compounds were originally discovered by TB Alliance as part of its TB drug discovery effort. Although they were found not to be suitable in treating TB, they may hold value in treating infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

University defends pharma-funded report from MSF critics (post)

A leading UK university has reacted with bemusement to criticism from Medecins Sans Frontieres about a report it has published regarding the financing of future research at a time when innovative drugmakers are struggling to get what they perceive are fair prices for their therapies.

Analysis shows mixed results on big pharma R&D efforts for TB (post)

In time for World TB Day today (March 24), an analysis has been published of research and development being carried out for tuberculosis by the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies.

Big Pharma abandons new tuberculosis drug research (post)

Three major pharmaceutical companies - AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer - have recently delayed or canceled clinical trials for testing tuberculosis (TB) drugs in India and South Africa. Activists say this is symbolic of a trend by Big Pharma to abandon research into diseases that affect poor people.

Students to universities: “We have a drug problem” (post)

BASEL — Students from around the world are gathering momentum to challenge their universities’ licensing policies and research and development systems. That was one of the messages emerging from the annual meeting of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) Europe.

Civil society to the Global Fund: Abandon the tiered-pricing initiative (post)

Below is a communication sent by Civil Society Organizations to Mark Dybul and others calling for the abandonment of the Global Fund’s misguided tiered-pricing initiative. The CS letter is attached.

Released text of GF equitable access initiative still problemmatic (post)

Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund has written an email responding to a letter from 220 civil society organizations demanding that the Global Fund abandon its “tiered-pricing” proposal.

WHA: Experts discuss methods for innovation, access for MICs (post)

Country officials, academics and leading global health advocates this week raised one of the key concerns of this year’s World Health Assembly: innovation and access to medicines in middle-income countries. Government procurement strategies, voluntary and compulsory licensing, de-linkage models and UNITAID mechanisms were among some of the solutions put forward.

World Health Assembly approves plan to strengthen access to essential medicines (post)

World Health Organization members tonight approved a resolution aimed at improving access to essential medicines. Agreement came after a compromise on a proposed provision referencing other medicines that are not qualified as essential medicines.

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