Items tagged with Public health

Global Fund approves emergency TB funding for Syrian refugees (post with simple image)

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has approved emergency funding to support the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis among Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan.

Marginalised groups struggle to access healthcare in conflict-torn East Ukraine (post with simple image)

KIEV, Jan 28 2015 (IPS) - With international organisations warning that East Ukraine is on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe as its health system collapses, marginalised groups are among those facing the greatest struggle to access even basic health care in the war-torn region.

WHO calls for worldwide use of "smart" syringes (post with simple image)

23 February 2015 | Geneva - Use of the same syringe or needle to give injections to more than one person is driving the spread of a number of deadly infectious diseases worldwide. Millions of people could be protected from infections acquired through unsafe injections if all health-care programmes switched to syringes that cannot be used more than once. For these reasons, the World Health Organization (WHO) is launching a new policy on injection safety and a global campaign with support from the IKEA Foundation and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to help all countries tackle the pervasive issue of unsafe injections.

Case study of Xpert MTB/Rif implementation in Brazil (post with simple image)

This case study documents the experience of a pilot study to implement Xpert®MTB/Rif to replace sputum smear microscopy to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis in Brazil's Unified Health System in two municipalities.

Public health: Russia is sick (post with simple image)

For all the external economic fears worrying countries everywhere, Russia faces further, entirely homegrown challenges. In all likelihood, the most important one among them is public health, which directly undermines the country’s economic development.

Landmark in TB for public health (post with simple image)

Stop TB Partnership's Global Plan endorsed by global & national leaders including 50 parliamentarians from around the world attending the 2nd Global TB Summit.

Global pharmaceutical industry calls on governments to work with them to beat the rising threat of antimicrobial resistance (post with simple image)

In a joint declaration more than 80 leading international pharmaceutical, generics, diagnostics and biotechnology companies, as well as key industry bodies, call on governments and industry to work in parallel in taking comprehensive action against antimicrobial resistance.

As U.N. General Assembly starts, MSF urges governments to set medical research policies that align with people’s health needs (post with simple image)

New MSF report exposes pharma industry failings and highlights new ways of researching and developing medicines that address public health needs.

U.N. High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines releases final report (post with simple image)

United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines calls for new deal to close the health innovation and access gap.

At U.N., global leaders commit to act on antimicrobial resistance (post with simple image)

World leaders signal an unprecedented level of attention to curb the spread of infections that are resistant to antimicrobial medicines.

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