Items tagged with Public health

UNITAID publishes full report on health implications of TPP (post)

UNITAID has published the full version of its report on “The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Implications for Access to Medicines and Public Health.” The report finds a possible negative public health impact of the agreement under negotiation.

Rwanda, 20 years on: an inspiration for health systems strengthening (post)

07 April 2014 - Geneva - Two decades on and the stories are coming out to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1994 Rwandan genocide; a conflict that claimed nearly a million lives and displaced another two million. It was an almost unimaginable tragedy in which the ethnic conflict between the Hutus and Tutsis exploded across the Great Lakes Region of Africa, also affecting DR Congo, Burundi and Uganda as well.

Is tuberculosis elimination a reality? (post)

Multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis is a public health emergency and a challenging scenario for both patients and clinicians. (1, 2). In 2012, there were more than 450 000 incident cases and 170 000 deaths worldwide (3).

Tuberculosis is back, and it’s not playing around (post)

Think tuberculosis is a disease of the past, for wilting ladies on fainting couches with delicate handkerchiefs? Think again: tuberculosis is back, and it’s ugly. The spread of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis across the Global South and into the West is a rising health concern in an era where some diseases are mutating too quickly for medical science to address them, which is bad news for patients. If you watched Frontline’s “TB Silent Killer,” you got a glimpse into this fatal and pernicious disease, but how much do you know about this pernicious disease?

China after the Global Fund (post)

For nearly a decade, China was one of the largest recipients of grants from the Global Fund for its fight against AIDS, TB and malaria. From 2003-2012, more than $805 million was disbursed to support 15 grants, nearly half of which (46%) contributed to prevention, diagnosis and treatment campaigns for TB across the country.

Dubai deporting foreign workers based on flawed TB screening policy (post)

Charanjeet Singh, 31, was deported from the United Arab Emirates in February 2013 because a medical test showed he had a scar on his lung. He was permanently banned from the country. He had secured a job in Dubai as a credit collector at a law firm.

Kenyan concerns about rising MDR-TB reflect regional public health challenge (post)

Kenya has made enormous strides in its efforts to tackle tuberculosis amongst its population, improving diagnosis and treatment to such an extent that prevalence has dropped from 335 to 299 cases per 100,000 people between 2006 and 2012. But the continuing insecurity in the region backed by the weakness of the health infrastructure in neighboring countries have maintained the flow of refugees into Kenya, and into the national health system in search of treatment and care.

TB is a 'neglected disease' in Vietnam despite death toll (post)

Public health officials say tuberculosis doesn’t attract nearly as much funding as HIV or malaria.

Roll-out of new TB drug must be handled with care (post)

Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson, has announced that it will make its breakthrough new tuberculosis (TB) drug, Sirturo, available at a discount in 130 developing countries. As the first new antibiotic to be approved to treat TB in over 40 years, Sirturo will be an important new weapon in the aging arsenal of medicines used to treat this deadly disease.

June 2014 issue of PHA is now online (post)

Public Health Action is The Union's free access, online journal. The journal aims to promote the vision of The Union, Health solutions for the poor, by disseminating new knowledge on health systems and health services for vulnerable groups, with a priority on tuberculosis, lung health, non-communicable diseases and related public health issues.

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