Items tagged with Mining sector

TB prevention trial fails (post)

Preventive tuberculosis therapy had no lasting effect on TB incidence among South African gold miners -- a group hard-hit by the disease, researchers reported.

TB free breathing in the mines of South Africa: New TB vaccines could transform mining across the region (post)

In this guest post, Kari Stoever, vice president of External Affairs at Aeras, writes about how mine workers are disproportionately affected by tuberculosis (TB) and why there’s an urgent need for new tools against this deadly disease.

Mass TB tests ‘would save billions’ (post)

SOUTHERN African countries could realise savings 40 times what they would otherwise spend if they were to test and treat all mineworkers in the gold and platinum group metal industries for tuberculosis (TB), according to the preliminary findings of a World Bank study released on Tuesday.

Aeras: Undermined: A new movie (post)

From the director of the EXPOSED series, Undermined explores the river of TB flowing out from the mines, and why a vaccine is critical to the global fight against this disease.

TB and Mines: Caring for miners is our business (post)

‘The fear of the immigration system, the stigma, and loss of jobs, has driven mine workers away from accessing the TB services they need’, this was the statement made by an ex-mine worker during the launch of a ‘TB and the Mines’ partnership project that Swaziland has embarked upon in collaboration with South Africa, Lesotho and Mozambique.

Miners seek justice over killer dust (post)

In 2011, the Constitutional Court made a landmark ruling in Mankayi vs Anglogold Ashanti, determining that former mineworkers who suffer compensable diseases in terms of the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act (Odimwa) have the right to institute damages claims against their former employers.

Silica dust in small-scale gold mining linked to silicosis and TB epidemic (post)

Silica dust hazards in large gold mines have been well documented, but the situation is far worse in small-scale gold mining according to a new study.

South Africa: 500,000 former miners await compensation (post)

Mining companies owe R1.5 billion to workers who developed occupational illnesses like silicosis while on the job, according to Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi.

Landmark silicosis case kicks off (post)

Johannesburg - More than 40 advocates have gathered in the Johannesburg High Court today to hear class certification arguments lodged by gold miners against gold giants.

Major mining company rejects TB claimants (post)

20 October, 2015 -- Gold Fields Limited on Monday opposed the certification of a class of mineworkers who have tuberculosis saying there is no evidence to prove that exposure to silica dust underground causes the disease.

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