Items tagged with Medicines

MSF calls on Johnson & Johnson to improve access to bedaquiline (post with simple image)

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) urges Johnson & Johnson to ensure widespread access to bedaquiline for the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB.

Public health groups welcome Johns Hopkins University and Medicines Patent Pool agreement for development of promising new TB drug (post with simple image)

While deal marks a critical step in the fight against TB, health groups warn that the deal lacks safeguards that would ensure worldwide affordability.

Advocates call on Sequella to provide open access to sutezolid data (post with simple image)

TB advocates appeal to Sequella to act in the interest of public health and provide open access to all existing sutezolid data.

MSF urges pharmaceutical corporations to release clinical data to help develop urgently needed new TB regimens (post with simple image)

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) urges Sequella and Pfizer to provide open access to all existing clinical data for sutezolid to help accelerate the research and development of urgently needed new, lifesaving TB treatment regimes.

TB Alliance sublicenses promising TB drug from the Medicines Patent Pool (post with simple image)

Agreement announced on World Tuberculosis Day revitalizes efforts to develop sutezolid as effective response to infectious disease killer.

WHO updates Essential Medicines List (post with simple image)

WHO updates Essential Medicines List with new advice on use of antibiotics and adds medicines for TB.

2017 TAG Pipeline Report (post with simple image)

TAG’s annual Pipeline Report: Promising new HIV, TB & HCV drugs and diagnostics.

TAG's Activist Guides to TB Diagnostics and Treatment now available in Russian (post with simple image)

In collaboration wih the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition, Russia.

USD 31 million saved by GDF through newly-reduced prices for TB medicines (post with simple image)

The Global Drug Facility’s reduced prices are immediately available to all programs, regardless of their procurement funding source, including: national TB programs, governments, non-governmental organizations, and others.

2018 TAG Pipeline Report (post with simple image)

TAG’s annual Pipeline Report: Promising new HIV, TB & HCV drugs and diagnostics.

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