Items tagged with Medicines

BioVersys announces expansion of strategic collaboration with GSK (post)

BioVersys AG announced the expansion of its strategic collaboration with GSK plc to accelerate the clinical development of alpibectir (BVL-GSK098) for the treatment of TB.

UCF scientist using AI to speed up TB drug discovery (post)

Using Kyle Rohde’s data and artificial intelligence, biotech company Atomwise narrowed its focus from millions of drugs to just 100, accelerating the search for new tuberculosis antibiotics.

Improving the health of the tuberculosis drug pipeline (post with simple image)

After 40 years of no new therapies, approval of bedaquiline and delamanid for the treatment of tuberculosis is a cause for optimism. But is that hope well founded?

UNITAID Patent Landscapes for TB drugs (post with simple image)

UNITAID reports exploring the patent landscapes and possible access issues relating to bedaquiline, SQ109, AZD5847, sutezolid, delamanid and PA-824.

Drug shortages threaten US anti-TB efforts (post with simple image)

Mounting problems with accessing life-saving products to diagnose and treat TB threaten the progress made against this communicable disease.

PA-824 has a new generic name: pretomanid (post with simple image)

Pretomanid is a component of two new TB drug regimens being tested by TB Alliance for their ability to transform TB therapy, as well as future planned trials.

UNITAID Tuberculosis Medicines Technology and Market Landscape (second edition) (post with simple image)

The report details current shortcomings in the tuberculosis medicines market and opportunities to improve access to lifesaving TB treatment.

20th Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines (post with simple image)

The deadline for the submission of public comments on applications to be considered by the 20th Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential medicines has been extended until Wednesday 25 February 2015.

TB Alliance advances next-generation TB drug candidate into clinical testing (post with simple image)

TBA-354 is the first potential tuberculosis drug to advance to Phase 1 trial in six years.

Antibiotic resistance: Why aren’t drug companies developing new medicines to stop superbugs? (post with simple image)

Antibiotics are a critical class of drugs that have failed to earn much investment by pharmaceutical companies in recent years. The industry cites their lack of profitability, so the U.S. government is stepping in with incentives and quick regulatory approvals.

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