Items tagged with HIV coinfection

Call for submissions: First-ever TB/HIV Networking Zone at AIDS 2014 (post)

For the first time, the upcoming International AIDS Conference will feature a dedicated hub for discussing the deadly duo of TB-HIV. Despite TB's status as the leading killer of people with HIV, responses to these two diseases are often disconnected, and collaboration on HIV and TB programs is weak in many places.

Two rapid TB diagnostic tests are better than one in HIV+ Ugandans (post)

Two rapid TB diagnostic tests had greater sensitivity in diagnosing tuberculosis in HIV-positive Ugandan, according to results of a 103-patient study. Sensitivity of the combined tests approached that of sputum liquid culture testing.

TB screening program sees success among Rwandans starting HIV care (post)

Intensified case finding proved successful in increasing the proportion of HIV-positive people screened for TB from 2006 to 2011 in Rwanda. Incidence of confirmed TB cases remained constant over that period at 2.2%.

Global Drug Facility reaches a 58% price reduction for Rifabutin by adding a new supplier to its product catalogue (post)

6, June 2014 – Geneva – The Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility (GDF) has achieved a near 60% reduction in the price of Rifabutin, by including a new supplier into its product catalogue.

South Africa: GeneXpert’s benefits still not reaching patients (post)

The Department of Health’s multi-million rand investment in an automated, rapid TB test is being short-changed by slow health systems, said researchers this week.

South Africa: Antiretrovirals credited for TB decline (post)

South Africa is seeing about 79,000 fewer TB cases annually thanks to increased HIV treatment uptake, according to the latest research from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NCID)

WHO TB symptom screen performs poorly in South Africans on ART (post)

A symptom-based tuberculosis screening questionnaire recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for people with HIV performed poorly in detecting TB and excluding pulmonary TB in South Africans taking antiretroviral therapy (ART). The symptom screen performed adequately in HIV-positive people not taking antiretrovirals.

WHO: People most at risk of HIV are not getting the health services they need (post)

Failure to provide adequate HIV services for key groups – men who have sex with men, people in prison, people who inject drugs, sex workers and transgender people – threatens global progress on the HIV response, warns WHO.

Markers indicate CD4 activation before TB IRIS in 69-person study (post)

Markers of CD4-cell activation became elevated in patients who had TB immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) after they began antiretroviral therapy (ART) for the first time. The ANRS 129 BKVIR team believes their findings “support a role for CD4+ T-cell activation prior to massive inflammation in the development of TB-IRIS.”

Study: ARVs have "no effect" on mortality for patients with higher CD4 counts (post)

New research has brought into question the World Health Organisation’s recommendation that patients diagnosed with both HIV and tuberculosis be put onto antiretrovirals straight away.

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