Items tagged with Drug-resistant TB

New WHO recommendations to accelerate progress on TB (post with simple image)

WHO issues new guidance to improve treatment of multidrug-resistant TB.

Advocates raise serious concerns about errors in the WHO guidelines for the treatment of drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)

Advocates call on WHO leadership to act immediately and correct specific technical errors in the WHO guidelines for the treatment of drug-resistant TB.

MSF: Johnson & Johnson should make TB drug available for all at $1/day (post with simple image)

MSF protests at J&J’s annual shareholders meeting to demand a say in how lifesaving TB drug developed with considerable joint efforts, including public funding and MSF operational research, will be made available and affordable.

Ad-hoc donations of bedaquiline threaten sustainable, affordable access for patients (post with simple image)

Advocates call on Indian Minister of Health to discontinue and phase out the drug donations of bedaquiline offered by Johnson & Johnson.

It’s Time to End Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: The Case for Action (post with simple image)

The cost of complacency: Economist Intelligence Unit report underscores major gaps in world’s response to drug-resistant TB.

Community capacity building modules to accelerate DR-TB response (post with simple image)

Community capacity building modules to accelerate the response to drug-resistant TB launched at WHO meeting of national TB program managers and partners in the South-East Asia region.

Crisis of confidence in the WHO's ability to produce normative guidance for the treatment of RR-/MDR-TB (post with simple image)

Advocates request an urgent in-person meeting with the WHO leadership to discuss concrete actions to address technical and guideline development process-related issues previously raised.

FDA Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee recommends approval of pretomanid (post with simple image)

Investigational drug pretomanid is under regulatory review by FDA for treatment of XDR-TB and treatment-intolerant or non-responsive MDR-TB as part of a new investigational regimen.

Activists demand Johnson & Johnson drop the price of bedaquiline (post with simple image)

Activists storm the corporate stall of Janssen Pharmaceuticals (a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson) at the 9th South African AIDS Conference.

Transparency and access to pretomanid and the Nix-TB regimen (post with simple image)

Advocates request responsible investment in pretomanid promoting transparency and equitable access.

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