Items tagged with Drug-resistant TB
South Africa makes bedaquiline part of its standard recommended treatment regimen for rifampicin-resistant TB (post with simple image)
Global TB CAB welcomes introduction of safer drug for most South Africans with rifampicin-resistant TB; Other countries and the World Health Organization must now follow.
Treatment Action Group welcomes price reductions for TB medicines (post with simple image)
Countries and donors must do more to ensure all people with TB have access; further price reductions for newer medicines required.
Advocates call on Indian Minister of Health to introduce injection-free drug-resistant TB treatment regimen (post with simple image)
Advocates request that bedaquiline become part of the standard treatment regimen for drug-resistant TB in India.
Advocates call for policies to support all-oral regimens for children with drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)
Advocates release recommendations for injectable-free regimens for children under the age of 12 years.
Activists call on Johnson & Johnson to drop the price of bedaquiline (post with simple image)
Activists ask the company to drop the price of bedaquiline in all markets to $32 a month or lower.
Global TB CAB responds to new bedaquiline price (post with simple image)
The TB CAB reiterates its request for Johnson & Johnson to commit to a global price for bedaquiline that is no higher than US$32 per month.
WHO announces landmark changes in MDR-TB treatment regimens (post with simple image)
Major improvement in treatment outcomes and quality of life of patients with multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) are expected.
The TB CAB and TAG welcome WHO recommendation of injectable-free regimens for the treatment of RR/MDR-TB (post with simple image)
The WHO, Ministries of Health and Finance, donors, implementers, technical assistance providers, civil society, and communities must work together to ensure rapid implementation.
Urgent need to register essential medicines for the treatment and prevention of TB in South Africa (post with simple image)
Advocates request that the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority expedite registration of essential medicines for the treatment and prevention of TB in South Africa.
Médecins Sans Frontières calls for affordable access to critical TB drug bedaquiline (post with simple image)
Médecins Sans Frontières to Johnson & Johnson: We need affordable and sustainable supply of bedaquiline.
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