Items tagged with Drug-resistant TB

MSF calls on Johnson & Johnson to improve access to bedaquiline (post with simple image)

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) urges Johnson & Johnson to ensure widespread access to bedaquiline for the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB.

Advocates call for the Philippines Food and Drug Administration to register delamanid (post with simple image)

TB advocates encourage the Philippines Food and Drug Administration to approve delamanid, an important treatment option for people with multidrug-resistant TB.

Advocates encourage prioritization of drug-resistant TB research (post with simple image)

TB advocates encourage the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Innovation Fund to prioritize research and development for drug-resistant TB.

Advocates call on the Indian Prime Minister to ensure availability of new TB drugs to combat drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)

Advocates urge Prime Minister Modi to take immediate action to save a young woman, dying of XDR-TB and to roll out life-saving innovations to tackle the growing burden of drug-resistant TB in India.

Health groups call on Indian Government to urgently make life-saving TB drug available (post with simple image)

Health groups call on the Indian Government to incorporate the life-saving TB drug delamanid into the Revised National TB Control Programme.

Advocates maintain pressure on the Ministry of Health to facilitate access to delamanid in Peru (post with simple image)

TB advocates reiterate the important role the Ministry of Health must play in facilitating access to delamanid for Peruvians with multidrug-resistant TB.

WHO maintains existing recommendations for the use of bedaquiline (post with simple image)

The conditional recommendation will be maintained until a new systematic review of evidence is warranted or the results of the phase III clinical trial of bedaquiline become available.

Advocates encourage the health authorities in Peru to approve the endTB study (post with simple image)

TB advocates stress the importance of the observational endTB study for expanding access to new treatments for multidrug-resistant TB in Peru.

Fewer than 5% of people in need are treated with new TB drugs, nearly four years after their approval (post with simple image)

Companies and countries must take urgent action to increase access to these life-saving treatments.

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