Items tagged with Drug-resistant TB

Tuberculosis in adults and children (post with simple image)

A monograph written for healthcare workers in any setting who are faced with the complex care for patients with tuberculosis.

Letter from 10 US Senators to President Obama re drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)

A letter in support of Obama Administration’s recently announced initiative to develop a National Action Plan to Address Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis.

India: Sewri TB Hospital: Healthcare Workers are vulnerable to TB and they deserve to be protected (post with simple image)

As healthcare workers die of TB - physicians, health organisations, TB groups, public health experts, and associations of healthcare workers - call for urgent action.

India: Sewri TB hospital will get N-95 masks by end of September (post with simple image)

The civic body is taking baby steps in streamlining the supply of protective masks in Asia's largest TB Hospital at Sewri, after protests intensified among its workers following lack of equipment. While the 1,000-bed Guru Teg Bahadur TB Hospital requires up to 12,000 N-95 masks every month for its 1,200-odd staff, not more than 3,000 are supplied. But this is set to change, said Dr Rajendra Nanavare, superintendent of the hospital.

Urgent need to scale up access to new treatment options for MDR-TB in the Philippines (post with simple image)

Given the urgent need to address the MDR-TB epidemic in the Philippines, advocates urge for rapid delivery of the new treatment options to people with MDR-TB.

Compassionate and optimum use of new tuberculosis drugs (post with simple image)

A report about a patient with the most resistant strain of tuberculosis documented in the USA whose inability to access combination bedaquiline and delamanid compromised his care and created a public health risk.

TB man's shirt too nice for a grant (post with simple image)

Bongani Ngcobo looks up at the shacks perched unsteadily on the towering green hills around him. He steps off the tar road on to the sandy path – the starting point of his homebound hike. His shack is about 50m away but the uphill walk makes it seem like kilometres.

Newest MDR-TB drug prices could fall by up to 95% through generic production (post with simple image)

The cost of newer drugs for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis could be cut by up to 95% if generic production of patented products could be achieved in the same way as for antiretroviral drugs.

New developments in the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis: clinical utility of bedaquiline and delamanid (post with simple image)

As countries improve and scale up their diagnostic services, increasing number of patients with multidrug-resistant TB and extensively drug-resistant TB are identified. Bedaquiline and delamanid offer a real opportunity to improve the outcomes of these patients. After so many decades without new TB drugs the development of these two new medicines is an historic opportunity to gain ground in the fight against TB.

Do we have the will to stop TB? (post with simple image)

Doctors swear to do no harm, but I knew I was about to inflict great suffering on my patient Gary, who had been diagnosed with extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, or XDR TB. Many people wrongly assume that tuberculosis has been eradicated. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, tuberculosis killed more people in 2015 than HIV/AIDS.

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