Items tagged with Diagnostics

New WHO recommendations issued to improve access to rapid molecular tests for the detection of TB and drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)

WHO releases an update to its consolidated guidelines on the detection of TB and drug-resistant TB, accompanied by an operational handbook to facilitate rapid implementation and roll out of rapid molecular tests.

Substantial public investments in GeneXpert underscore need for affordable pricing (post with simple image)

PLOS ONE publishes TAG’s comprehensive analysis of public investments in the development of rapid technology for diagnosing infectious diseases.

Advocates ring the alarm on TB medicines and diagnostics stock outs across India (post with simple image)

Civil society networks in India call for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the National TB Elimination Program to take urgent action.

Advocates urge Cepheid to reinstate plans to commercialize GeneXpert Omni (post with simple image)

Advocates call out Cepheid for canceling commercialization of the portable point-of-care GeneXpert Omni testing instrument and urge the company to reinstate plans to launch Omni, reiterating demands for Cepheid to reduce the price of GeneXpert tests to $5, inclusive of service and maintenance, across diseases.

TAG's 2021 Pipeline Report: TB chapters released (post with simple image)

Treatment Action Group (TAG) launches newly available TB chapters of its 2021 Pipeline Report.

Community-led monitoring for access to TB screening and diagnostic testing (post with simple image)

A tool, developed by the Coalition of Women Living with HIV and AIDS in partnership with Treatment Action Group, designed to equip communities to use community-lead monitoring to better understand the TB screening and diagnostic services, and to translate findings into evidence-based advocacy.

TB laboratory manuals issued to support the implementation of WHO-recommended diagnostics (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization and the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Laboratory Initiative working group release three new manuals to support the implementation of WHO-recommended TB diagnostics.

MSF warns that supply delays of critical TB test will cost lives (post with simple image)

A shortage of TB tests at this critical juncture will be disastrous.

WHO announces updates to its guidelines on tests for the diagnosis of TB infection (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization releases updated guidelines and a new operational handbook on tests for the diagnosis of TB infection.

TAG's 2022 Pipeline Report: TB Diagnostics (post with simple image)

Treatment Action Group launches the 2022 Tuberculosis Diagnostics Pipeline Report.

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