Items tagged with Diagnostics

TB CAB, TAG open letter to Cepheid (post with simple image)

Re: GeneXpert machine and Xpert MTB/RIF cartridge pricing, extended warranties and business in Russia and the People’s Republic of China

Xpert® MTB/RIF assay for pulmonary tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance in adults (post with simple image)

A second systematic review of a diagnostic test for TB endorsed by WHO, has confirmed the accuracy of the test. Xpert® MTB/RIF is more accurate than smear microscopy for diagnosing TB and also accurate for detecting rifampicin resistance.

GeneXpert use still hobbled by high pricing, Treatment Action Group, TB Community Advisory Board say (post with simple image)

Letter to Cepheid cites continued cost of machines, Russia, China cartridge costs of five to six times negotiated price, and more.

Call for a patient-centered approach to TB diagnostics (post with simple image)

To prioritize an agenda for implementing TB diagnostics that centers upon the patient with TB symptoms and highlights patient well-being and cure.

Point-of-care diagnostics for tuberculosis elimination? (post with simple image)

The projected epidemiological effect of Xpert MTB/RIF might be overestimated, so this fascinating and promising new tool is unlikely to be the magic bullet that paves the way towards tuberculosis elimination.

Xpert TB test doesn’t reduce morbidity but it does have important advantages (post with simple image)

The need for a highly sensitive and specific affordable point-of-care TB test remains urgent.

Progress in diagnosing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (post with simple image)

Innovative project expands access to new test: the project known as EXPAND-TB helped to triple the number of MDR-TB cases diagnosed in participating countries.

CROI 2014: New drugs, novel combos top tuberculosis news at conference (post with simple image)

With increased TB activism and research into new treatments, preventive therapies, and diagnostics, the space devoted to TB at CROI has increased substantially.

The Lancet journals: World TB Day media alert (post with simple image)

For World TB Day 2014, The Lancet group publishes a Series of papers to highlight the need for global collaboration to diagnose, treat, and cure people with tuberculosis.

Fighting the white plague (post with simple image)

Today is World TB Day. More people die of tuberculosis in South Africa than from any other disease.

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