Items tagged with Diagnostics

IDWeek: Some progress in TB drug and diagnostic development, but not enough (post)

The emerging crisis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is a “personal and health system catastrophe” that’s occurring half a million times a year in the form of new cases, Eric Nuermberger said at an IDWeek session on HIV-related opportunistic diseases. Not only is it an intensively difficult disease to treat, requiring up to two years of therapy with very toxic and expensive drugs with poor efficacy, “we continue to learn it’s even worse than we may have first thought,” he said.

FIND is appointed as WHO Collaborating Centre (post)

The four-year appointment acknowledges the role FIND plays in evaluating and introducing new TB diagnostic solutions and building laboratory capacity needed to effectively control TB.

Epistem announces successful completion of Genedrive® Indian clinical trials and regulatory submission (post)

Epistem Holdings Plc, the personalised medicine and biotechnology company, announced the successful completion of its Genedrive® Indian clinical evaluation study and the regulatory submission with the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) of its first test for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis and Rifampicin antibiotic resistance (TB). Epistem is now awaiting approval from the Indian regulator for a license to import and sell its first major infectious disease assay for TB, which is anticipated early in 2015.

Cochrane review of RDT for diagnosis of drug-resistant TB (post)

Researchers from the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group, hosted at LSTM, have conducted an independent review to examine the diagnostic accuracy of the GenoType® MTBDRsl assay for the detection of resistance to second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs.

FIND and QuantuMDx partnering to developing breakthrough technology for tuberculosis detection and drug resistance determination (post)

24 October 2014. Geneva and Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: FIND, a Geneva-based non-profit organization and QuantuMDx Group, a British medical device developer are joining forces in developing a paradigm changing solution for the combined detection of and drug susceptibility determination for the causative agent for tuberculosis. Based on the molecular detection of an extensive set of genetic markers by the simple handheld Q-POC™ device developed by QuantuMDx, the time for full antimycobacterial resistance profiling will be reduced from weeklong to less than half an hour. The uniqueness of the nanowire technology developed by QuantuMDx provides the potential to interrogate the bacterial genome with unprecedented precision, as it allows not only targeted detection of specific markers, but in addition (in a future evolution of the present system) genetic sequencing on the same technology platform. As part of this partnership, FIND is supporting the development of an appropriate and integrated sample handling compartment, while QuantuMDx continues its platform development.

Do you know how the 22 high TB burden countries are using the new Xpert MTB/RIF test? (post)

13 November 2014 - Geneva, Switzerland - A new study found that the use of the Xpert MTB/RIF test in the 22 high TB burden countries is primarily limited to people in whom drug-resistant TB is suspected or to a lesser extent people living with HIV in whom TB needs to be diagnosed. The exceptions are South Africa, Brazil and Russia who currently recommend this test for all people in whom TB is suspected. South Africa alone had procured 66% of the tests procured globally.

PET scans help identify effective TB drugs, says Pitt School of Medicine study (post)

PITTSBURGH, Dec. 3, 2014 – Sophisticated lung imaging can show whether or not a treatment drug is able to clear tuberculosis (TB) lung infection in human and macaque studies, according to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and their international collaborators. The findings, published online today in Science Translational Medicine, indicate the animal model can correctly predict which experimental agents have the best chance for success in human trials.

Improving disease detection with a little heat (post)

In many parts of the world where tuberculosis is endemic, medical resources, such as laboratory equipment, are sometimes scarce. So analytical chemists want to develop simple, low-cost diagnostic tests for the disease. To help detect dilute biomarkers for tuberculosis in urine, researchers now report an inexpensive method that increases a biomarker’s concentration on a strip of paper (Anal. Chem. 2014, DOI: 10.1021/ac503751a).

Xpert TB takes twice longer than standard TB test in HIV+ of Durban (post)

Xpert MTB/RIF testing for pulmonary tuberculosis in a central lab took twice longer than sputum smear microscopy among HIV-positive patients with suspected pulmonary TB in Durban, South Africa. The authors believe Xpert results in “operational delays that limit the test's clinical utility for diagnosing pulmonary TB” in their patients.

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