Items tagged with Diagnostics

Videos: Tuberculosis, a killer disease (post)

All you need to know about Tuberculosis, explained in six short web clips. Click here to watch the videos.

India: Serology testing ban needs to be enforced (post)

Tuberculosis continues to kill two Indians every three minutes and nearly 1,000 every day, yet the task of accurately diagnosing the disease gets relatively low priority. This often leads to delayed treatment, perpetuating the spread of TB and drug-resistant TB.

KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute and IBM Research fight tuberculosis in South Africa (post)

DURBAN, South Africa. 24 March 2014: On World Tuberculosis Day, IBM and the KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV (K-RITH) have announced plans to research new treatment approaches to fight tuberculosis (TB) in South Africa. IBM’s Big Data analytics technologies will be put to work on bacterial genetics and drug susceptibility tests to better understand the genomic mechanisms that cause resistance to antibiotics. The ultimate goal is to find new treatments and diagnostic approaches to fight TB.

Analysis shows mixed results on big pharma R&D efforts for TB (post)

In time for World TB Day today (March 24), an analysis has been published of research and development being carried out for tuberculosis by the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies.

Report: ECAB meeting on HIV/TB coinfection, May 17-19, 2013 (post)

The purpose of the report, based on the TB ECAB (European Community Advisory Board) meeting held in Brussels between May 17-19, 2013 is to inform ECAB and community advocates on HIV/TB treatment, care and research advocacy, in order to increase the capacity of the ECAB members and partners to get further involved in TB drugs, diagnostics development and access, and to identify key advocacy priorities.

Fundamental research is the key to eliminating TB (post)

Fewer people will contract tuberculosis (TB) this year than last. That is good news, and enough to meet the United Nations Millennium Development Goal that called “to halt and begin to reverse the incidence” of TB. But the pace of progress is too slow. Some 8.6 million people contracted the disease in 2012, and 1.3 million died, including 320,000 people with HIV. As it stands, the world will miss the international target to eliminate TB by 2050. To meet that ambitious goal, we need to modernize the way in which we tackle the disease. This means that fundamental research must play a bigger part in nurturing the development of diagnostics, medicines and vaccines.

India: Accurate and affordable TB diagnosis in private sector becoming a reality (post)

Tuberculosis (TB) care and control does not end with an accurate and confirmed diagnosis, but that is a good start point. It needs to be followed with initiating standard and effective anti-TB treatment (without delay), supporting the person with TB to adhere to the treatment regimen and get cured. Dr Madhukar Pai, Associate Director of McGill International TB Centre, addressed private TB healthcare providers including physicians and laboratory experts in New Delhi before the World TB Day 2014.

C-reactive protein could identify more HIV+ eligible for anti-TB IPT (post)

A point-of-care test for C-reactive protein (POC-CRP) greatly increased the proportion of HIV-positive Ugandan adults eligible for isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) compared with the standard World Health Organization (WHO) symptom screen. POC-CRP would also decrease the proportion of HIV patients who need referral for further TB diagnostic testing.

TB Reach project results show need for new approaches to lift case detection rates (post)

For a decade and a half after the World Health Organization launched the expansion of directly observed treatment for tuberculosis, strides against the disease, highlighted by a nearly six-fold increase in cases documented, looked promising, an article released Thursday on PLOS ONE notes. But over the last half decade, with efforts largely reliant on “passive case finding” — that is waiting for people sick with TB to turn up at health facilities seeking care — the numbers of cases detected and acted on leveled off, leaving three million cases undiagnosed or untreated.

India: Pilot project initiated to detect TB in children (post)

CHENNAI: For most tubercolosis patients and their families, their health is often put to test by their countless visits to hospitals and scan centres. In the end, many may be diagnosed early as having the dreaded bacteria, but several others with the infection — most of them children.

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