
Brief news reports on Tuberculosis

Launch of 'Priorities in Operational Research to Improve Tuberculosis Care and Control'

29 August 2011 | Geneva |
Evidence from operational research projects can help pave the way for ensuring many more people have access to vital TB health services. It can achieve this by shedding new light on how current TB polices and practices can be 'fine-tuned' and further improved. It can also give important insight on how best new tools for TB, currently in development, can be introduced in ways that deliver maximum benefits.

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90-minute TB test not a game changer for India

New Delhi : A new diagnostic technique that detects tuberculosis in 90 minutes instead of three months using the conventional method may not be effective in India as the heat and humidity would affect the equipment, experts said.

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Workshop "Tuberculosis clinical management and clinical research for TB/HIV co-infected population"

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Global experts turn to India as a key pathfinder on battling tuberculosis

29 August 2011 - Delhi - Tuberculosis - the world's number one infectious disease killer after AIDS - is facing an enemy with escalating power and determination: India.

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Korea: 190 multidrug resistant TB patients committed

A total of 190 multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients have been ordered to check in to hospitals by the government this year, the Ministry of Health and Welfare said Friday.

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India takes the lead on tuberculosis innovation

Madhukar Pai, an epidemiologist and tuberculosis (TB) researcher based at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, is co-chairman of the Stop TB Partnership's New Diagnostics Working Group and a consultant to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

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Risk factors for development of TB after starting HIV therapy identified in North American research

The development of tuberculosis (TB) after the initiation of antiretroviral therapy is associated with a low CD4 cell count, injecting drug use, and non-white race, investigators from the US and Canada report in the September 15th edition of the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

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First draft of the National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS, STIs and TB launched by the South African National AIDS Council

A controversial plan to circumcise newborn babies is among a string of drastic new proposals to tackle the scourge of HIV.

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PEPFAR 2012 Country Operational Guidance includes special section on HIV/TB

Part of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program’s recently released 2012 Country Operational Plan Guidance, the TB/HIV Technical Considerations highlight the important role of tuberculosis prevention and treatment in successfully combating the HIV pandemic. The updated “considerations” take into account the 2011 World Health Organization (WHO) “Guidelines for intensified tuberculosis case-finding and isoniazid preventive therapy for people living with HIV in resource-constrained settings,” as well as guidance released by the U.S. government on rollout of the GeneXpert rapid TB diagnostic.

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Germany to provide funds to Tajikistan to combat tuberculosis

German government-owned development bank, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), will provide 6.9 million euros to Tajikistan for implementation of the fourth phase of the tuberculosis prevention project, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT) of Tajikistan said, Asia-Plus reported.

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