
Janssen's response to open letter calling on the company to reduce the price of bedaquiline

Several organizations and individuals working on TB appealed to Janssen to lower bedaquiline's price for all non-high-income countries.

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Johnson & Johnson announces new collaboration with Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility to enhance access to anti-TB compound

New Brunswick, NJ – April 29, 2014 – Johnson & Johnson today announced that its affiliate Janssen Pharmaceutica NV (Janssen) has entered into a novel collaboration with the Stichting International Dispensary Association (IDA), a procurement agent for the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF), to facilitate access to the Company’s anti-tuberculosis medicine. This public-private partnership was established by the newly formed Janssen Global Public Health and is the latest in the Company’s overall efforts to improve public health.

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Janssen announces new group targeting unmet global health needs

Janssen Global Public Health to oversee R&D and access strategy development for growing portfolio of transformational medicines

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