Stigma kills: Why medicine alone won’t end TB

Results UK’s new advocacy report presents the case for adopting a whole of society approach to ending TB, focused on addressing the underlying social causes of TB alongside curing the physical disease.

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Accountability to end TB: A global responsibility

A report, released by RESULTS UK, makes the case for accountability within the global TB response, highlighting the lack of progress against the 2018 global commitments and the role of accountability within these commitments.

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Consultancy opportunity: TB Accountability Policy Report

RESULTS UK is seeking a consultant to write an accountability policy report to support the policy advocacy efforts in the run up to the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB. Further details and scope of the work are available here.

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Health systems in crisis: The Global Fund's impact in Ukraine

A report highlights stories from people living with HIV and TB in Ukraine to demonstrate the need for an ambitious pledge at the Global Fund's upcoming Seventh Replenishment in September 2022.

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TB and Universal Health Coverage: A policy report from Kenya and 31 other countries

RESULTS UK released a report on TB and Universal Health Coverage (UHC), 'Tuberculosis and Universal* Health Coverage. *Terms and Conditions Apply'.

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New report highlights the public health threat of TB in South Africa’s gold mines

The report details the role that gold mining has in driving the TB epidemic in southern Africa, and calls for a step up in political and corporate will for developing a coordinated international response to the disease.

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