Community Research Advisors Group (CRAG)

CRAG, TAG welcome Sanofi U.S. commitment to reduce the price of tuberculosis drug rifapentine

Sanofi U.S. has committed to lowering the price of rifapentine (Priftin) to $32 per 32-tablet blister pack in January 2014.

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TB CAB, CRAG, TAG open letter to Otsuka

Re: Urgent appeal to initiate delamanid compassionate use program

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Community Research Advisors Group seeks new members

27 November 2013 - New York - The Community Research Advisors Group (CRAG) is seeking nominations for new members.

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CRAG open letter to Sanofi: Request for an official Sanofi response before escalation

The CRAG is giving Sanofi one week to respond to the community demands, or will escalate action!

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