Mike Frick

Civil society statement delivered at the WHO Director-General’s TB Vaccine Accelerator Council

Mike Frick, TAG TB Project Co-Director, delivered comments as a civil society representative at the WHO Director-General’s TB Vaccine Accelerator Council meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. 

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Mike Frick's plenary talk at TB2016 in Durban

Mike Frick's plenary talk delivered at TB2016 Durban, South Africa, July 16, 2016.

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TB R&D’s shift to the left

As the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation realigns its TB vaccine strategy to focus on early-stage candidate development, equitable access priorities must also be established before large-scale trials are conducted.

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Fool’s errand: The sloppy science of the MDR-TB STREAM trial

Confirming the efficacy and safety of bedaquiline-inclusive regimens is a priority. Comparing them to unvalidated MDR-TB drug combinations in the planned STREAM study is not the way to go about it.

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Mike Frick: Funding for TB research drops for the first time in eight years

Each year since 2006, TAG has tracked spending on research and development (R&D) for new diagnostics, drugs, and vaccines to improve TB treatment and prevention. The 2013 Report on Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends: 2005–2012 presents eight years of funding data. It also compares current spending in six research areas to the corresponding R&D funding targets outlined in the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Plan to Stop TB, 2011–2015. For the first time, TAG also analyzed investments in pediatric TB R&D. The report finds that after seven years of slow and unsteady increases in funding, TB R&D investors reported a drop in spending in 2012 that threatens to undermine the tenuous gains made since 2005.

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Patient-centered TB treatment will require modernizing directly-observed therapy

In the first of two linked posts, Mike Frick of Treatment Action Group (TAG) and Audrey Zhang of Harvard College argue that patient-centered approaches in treatment for drug-resistant and drug-sensitive tuberculosis are needed.

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