Brown University

New compound targets TB bacterium’s defense against the immune system

Developed by chemists at Brown University in conjunction with colleagues at MIT and Cornell, the compound could enable a new drug strategy for treating tuberculosis.

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Brown University to help Ghana build HIV, TB research capacity

With $1.45 million over five years from the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health, a pair of Brown University professors will work with colleagues in Ghana to build the research capacity needed to address the deadly co-epidemics of HIV and tuberculosis.

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Research suggests new strategies for fighting TB

Researchers from Brown and MIT have shown new details about how a promising new class of antibiotics attacks the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. The research could provide a blueprint for developing drugs aimed at fighting TB.

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A new strategy to stop the TB bacterium

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis may have an Achilles’ heel: It needs a particular enzyme to survive. Inhibiting that enzyme’s function, researchers have shown, will kill the bacteria, pointing toward a design strategy for new TB drugs.

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