Kaiser Family Foundation

Kaiser Family Foundation breaks down U.S. global health budget by program area

This resource provides short, printable one-page summaries of key program areas of the U.S. global health budget, along with an overview of total funding.

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Kaiser Family Foundation 2018 budget summary analyzes funding for U.S. global health programs

Kaiser Family Foundation: House Appropriations Subcommittees approve FY 2018 State & Foreign Operations (SFOPs) and Health & Human Services (HHS) appropriations bills

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Kaiser Family Foundation releases updated fact sheet on U.S. government, global TB efforts

Kaiser Family Foundation: The U.S. Government and Global Tuberculosis Efforts

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Kaiser Family Foundation releases updated primer on U.S. engagement in global health

Kaiser Family Foundation: The U.S. Government Engagement in Global Health: A Primer

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The U.S. government and global tuberculosis efforts

A fact sheet by Kaiser Family Foundation discusses U.S. government global TB efforts and funding, global statistics related to the disease, and international goals to control and treat TB.

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Donor funding for health in low- & middle-income countries, 2002-2013

As 2015 marks the end of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and a transition to the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the global community is taking stock of progress made as well as the unmet needs looking forward. A key component in the effort to address global health challenges has been donor funding from governments and multilateral organizations. Indeed, while domestic funding has increased, and in some areas now constitutes a greater share of total available resources, donor funding will continue to play a significant role in achieving the SDGs. This analysis presents trends in donor funding for health in low- and middle-income countries between 2002 and 2013.

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The U.S. government and global tuberculosis

The Kaiser Family Foundation released an updated factsheet outlining the global TB burden and the U.S. government response to the global TB epidemic, which includes an analysis on U.S. government funding for bilateral TB programs. The fiscal year 2016 request for the USAID TB program includes a 19 percent cut over the fiscal year 2015 level. If approved by Congress, it is will be the lowest level of funding since 2009.

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Kaiser Family Foundation releases infographic on U.S. global health funding

The Kaiser Family Foundation has released “A Snapshot of U.S. Global Health Funding,” an infographic produced in partnership with the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) as part of a monthly series. “This month’s Visualizing Health Policy infographic shows global health funding’s share of the U.S. federal budget, the flattening of U.S. funds for global health during the 21st century, where U.S. dollars for global health are spent, the major areas receiving U.S. global health funding, and how the U.S. public overestimates the percentage of the federal budget that is spent on foreign aid” (4/22).

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Kaiser Family Foundation report maps global efforts to address TB in low-, middle-income countries

Today’s global health aid landscape has a proliferation of different donors providing aid to low- and middle-income countries. This crowded climate can create challenges for effectively negotiating, coordinating and delivering programs – challenges that are particularly important in light of the current emphasis on achieving cost-effectiveness and “value for money” in global health programs.

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