Stop TB Partnership

Southern African leaders to speak out on TB, HIV and mining at AIDS 2012

As 15 Southern African heads of state prepare to sign the Declaration on TB in the Mining Sector in Maputo, Mozambique, on 18 August, leaders from the government, scientific and private sectors will gather in Washington DC next week poised to convert political momentum into action.

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No more TB suspects: time to change the way we talk about tuberculosis

The words ‘defaulter’, ‘suspect’ and ‘control’ have been part of the language of tuberculosis (TB) services for many decades, and they continue to be used in international guidelines and published literature.

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Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New Drugs launches Innovate TB contest

30 March 2012 - The Working Group on New Drugs invites people around the world to submit videos, photos or written accounts of new approaches that can help to achieve zero deaths from TB in this generation.

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Sentinel Project releases moving stories of children with TB

22 March 2012 - New York, NY - The Sentinel Project on Pediatric Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis today launched Being Brave: Stories of Children with Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis today. This collection documents the devastating impact of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) on children.

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Online consultation gathers views on getting to zero TB infections in children

27 February 2012 - Lucknow, India - Citizen News Service (CNS) has published a summary of responses to an online consultation on how to prevent tuberculosis (TB) in children.

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