Médecins Sans Frontières

Webinar: Time for $5 Campaign: Advocating for affordable GeneXpert tests and plans for the High-Level Meeting on TB

Ahead of the High-Level Meeting on TB, Médecins Sans Frontières will host a webinar on 8 September 2023 to provide information about the next phase of the Time for $5 Campaign, calling on the diagnostics company Cepheid and its parent corporation Danaher to reduce the price of the GeneXpert test cartridge to $5.

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MSF: Countries must fix critical access to medicines flaws in Trans-Pacific Trade Pact

Access to medicines issues finally back on negotiators’ agenda after being sidelined for more than a year

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Millions of patients still waiting for medical “breakthroughs” against neglected diseases

Analysis of health R&D pipeline shows important progress, but significant gaps in innovation remain

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Treating "family tuberculosis" in Tajikistan

For the first time, children in Tajikistan with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) are receiving treatment for the life-threatening disease. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has opened a new ward in Machiton hospital, near Tajikistan's capital of Dushanbe, where it plans to treat 60 to 100 children with TB, plus their family members, over the next three months.

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Uzbekistan: Tuberculosis shows resistance

In northwestern Uzbekistan, drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis (TB) are spreading while only one in 10 people with TB receives treatment. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has treated more than 2,000 people with drug-resistant TB in Uzbekistan over the last 10 years.

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Losing Ground: How funding shortfalls and the cancellation of the Global Fund’s Round 11 are jeopardising the fight against HIV & TB

"Losing Ground" describes the impact of funding shortfalls in critical areas of HIV and TB in 13 countries where MSF work.

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Lives in the balance: The urgent need for HIV and TB treatment in Myanmar

Bangkok, Thailand 22 February 2012 – In a report released today Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the largest provider of HIV treatment in Myanmar (1), highlights the critical need for increased HIV and Tuberculosis (TB), including multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), treatment in the country.

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