Colorado State University

Breath test for tuberculosis under development at CSU with Gates Foundation funding

FORT COLLINS - Tuberculosis researchers at Colorado State University have landed a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a diagnostic breath test with potential to revolutionize TB testing and to better control the globally devastating infectious disease.

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Research led by Colorado State University reveals promising strategy for treating tuberculosis

FORT COLLINS - Research at Colorado State University reveals that even the most intractable cases of tuberculosis might be effectively battled with a new drug cocktail combining conventional antibiotics and nontoxic compounds that mimic those found in some sea sponges.

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Tuberculosis researchers find answer to 30-year-old puzzle

After three decades of searching, the random screening of a group of compounds against the bacterium that causes tuberculosis has led scientists to a eureka discovery that breaks through the fortress that protects the bacterium and allows it to survive and persist against treatments.

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