David Garmaise

CSOs call for transition planning in countries facing declines in Global Fund support

Thirty-two components in upper-middle-income countries became ineligible for funding in the years leading up to the new funding model

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Global Fund releases end-2014 numbers

Numbers of people reached and services provided continues to rise

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Global Fund urged to review its policies on human rights

The Global Fund should examine its position on policies and practices shown to have negative impacts on human rights, including “100% condom use” programs, the detention of TB patients, the use of drug registries, limitation of services for active drug users, forced sterilization, and use of condoms as evidence in court cases.

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Ukraine needs to find innovative ways to increase impact: Global Fund

The Global Fund expects Ukraine to do more with less.

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Phase 2 of Namibia TB grant will focus on community-based care, MDR-TB and TB/HIV collaborative activities

Phase 2 of a TB grant to Namibia will address gaps in treatment success rates, case finding, and coverage of antiretroviral therapy (ART) among HIV-positive TB patients. To accomplish this, more emphasis will be placed on the provision of community-based TB care and TB/HIV services, and on activities related to multiple-drug-resistant TB (MDR TB), including patient support.

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New funding for South African grants will target key populations

South Africa has a generalised HIV and AIDS epidemic, with a 17% prevalence rate among 15 to 49 year-olds and the highest number of persons living with HIV in the world (estimated at 6.4 million). The epidemic is compounded by the high rate of TB/HIV co-infection: About 60% of TB patients are infected with HIV (one of the highest rates in the world).

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Global Fund: Significant declines in TB incidence, prevalence and mortality, but MDR-TB remains a threat

TB mortality has decreased significantly since 2000 and treatment success rates have shown steady improvement. More than half of the countries that have received Global Fund support are on track to meet the international targets for case detection, treatment success, and TB disease incidence. However, multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) remains a critical threat.

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