T cell receptor repertoires associated with control and disease progression following Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

5 Jan 2023: Researchers from the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (SATVI) have just published results from a study using cutting edge-technology to identify new targets for novel TB vaccine candidates.

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Researchers develop innovative blood test to predict risk of developing the tuberculosis disease

SEATTLE, March 24, 2016---Scientists at the Center for Infectious Disease Research, the largest independent nonprofit in the U.S. focused solely on infectious disease research, and the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (SATVI) (University of Cape Town) recently developed an important blood test that can predict whether a latent (asymptomatic) Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection is likely to develop into active tuberculosis disease (TB). These blood biomarkers can predict development of disease by measuring the expression of specific RNAs, which measure gene activity, in the blood. The group’s findings were published in The Lancet, a leading medical journal, and could be developed into a diagnostic for large-scale efforts to screen and preventatively treat the disease.

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The novel vaccine candidate against tuberculosis, MTBVAC, initiates Phase 1B clinical trial

The clinical trial will be conducted by South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (SATVI).
Biofabri, biotechnology company focusing on human health vaccines, will sponsor the Phase 1B clinical trial.

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First participant in Impaact P1113 study vaccinated

Great excitement reigned at the Worcester SATVI Field Site when the first baby participant in the IMPAACT P 1113 Study was vaccinated with the Aeras-404 candidate TB vaccine.

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Data from historic Phase IIb clinical trial for TB vaccine candidate MVA85A published in The Lancet

Vaccine candidate was generally well tolerated, meeting the study’s primary objective of safety; Vaccine candidate did not provide statistically-significant protection in preventing TB disease in infants previously vaccinated with BCG.

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