1/4/6x24 Campaign Coalition

1/4/6x24 Mid-campaign report launch webinar - recording now available online

The 1/4/6x24 Campaign and the Stop TB Partnership co-hosted a webinar on 27 March 2024 to launch the Campaign’s new report: Getting Better Faster: Delivering on the Promise of New TB Treatments. The report highlights progress and gaps in scaling up access to shorter, safer TB regimens — one month or once weekly for TB prevention, four months for drug-susceptible TB, and six months for drug-resistant TB — by the end of 2024.

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Mid-campaign report highlights what’s needed to win better, shorter TB treatments for all by end of 2024

With less than a year to go until the 1/4/6x24 Campaign deadline, the Getting Better Faster: Delivering on the Promise of New TB Treatments report outlines both progress made and remaining gaps toward achieving 1/4/6x24.

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At this week’s UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on TB, the 1/4/6×24 Campaign calls on political leaders to take urgent action for equitable access to shorter, safer TB regimens

Ahead of the UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on TB, the 1/4/6×24 Campaign is sounding the alarm that the political declaration commits neither the funding nor the actions needed to expand access to the best-available TB regimens and diagnostics.

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The 1/4/6×24 Campaign Coalition welcomes India’s rejection of Johnson & Johnson’s patent evergreening tactic

The Indian Patent Office takes a laudable step that will pave the way for generic manufacturing of a key TB drug.

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1/4/6x24 Campaign videos & World TB Day Toolkit

Treatment Action Group and the 1/4/6x24 Campaign Coalition launch the 1/4/6x24 World TB Day Toolkit to support advocacy the week of World TB Day for access to shorter, safer regimens for TB prevention and treatment.

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Updates from the 1/4/6x24 Campaign

A few recent Campaign updates from Treatment Action Group and allies.
Contact david.branigan@treatmentactiongroup.org for more information on how to be part of the 1/4/6x24 Campaign.

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1/4/6x24 Campaign: Community training materials

Materials designed to equip civil society and community-based organizations with the information they need to advocate for equitable access to the short-course treatment and prevention regimens at the heart of the 1/4/6×24 Campaign.

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1/4/6x24 Campaign commitments

Several key global health actors have already set plans into motion to answer the 1/4/6x24 Campaign call to action, making major commitments. Two countries have also stepped up as global leaders.

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1/4/6x24 Campaign call to action at the USAID TB Symposium: Key commitments

On 28 October 2022, the 1/4/6x24 Campaign Coalition hosted a session at the USAID TB Symposium '1/4/6x24 Campaign Call to Action: Kick Starting Momentum Toward the United Nations High-Level Meeting.' Full details about the event are available here.

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1/4/6x24 Campaign call to action at the USAID TB Symposium

On 28 October 2022, the 1/4/6x24 Campaign Coalition will host a session at the USAID TB Symposium '1/4/6x24 Campaign Call to Action: Kick Starting Momentum Toward the HLM.'

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