Yale School of Public Health

New algorithms could improve pediatric TB diagnosis

Tuberculosis stands as one of the leading causes of death among young people across the world. Modeling studies suggest that in over 96% of the deadly cases involving children younger than 15 years old, the infected child did not receive treatment.

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New testing method could make TB diagnosis easier

Tuberculosis can be tough to detect. Diagnosis usually requires coughing up a sputum sample from the lungs, which can be unpleasant, impractical, and even hazardous. But in a promising new study, a multinational team of researchers may have found another way to identify the bacterial disease.

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Machine learning model helps identify resistance to key antibiotics for treating TB

Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be one of the top ten leading causes of death worldwide with more than 1.3 million reported deaths in 2020.

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Incarceration for low-level drug crimes rapidly spreading TB in Brazil

Increasing rates of drug-related incarcerations are perpetuating tuberculosis (TB) infection among Brazil’s general population, a new report, Reservoirs of Injustice, from the Yale Global Health Justice Partnership (GHJP) at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale Law School finds.

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