
Six highlights from a week of important TB developments

Researchers, policymakers and activists gathered in Hyderabad, India for the 50th Union World Conference on Lung Health, held on 30 October – 2 November 2019.

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Analysis: South Africa secures good prices for TB medicines, with one exception

An article published in Spotlight compares prices in recent South African Government tender for TB medicines versus global prices available via the Global Drug Facility. The article covers bedaquiline, delamanid, linezolid and rifapentine.

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The TB in the air we breathe

Wedged between mountain and sea on a breathtaking stretch of Cape Peninsula coast, the township of Masiphumelele is home to 23 000 people on about 40 hectares of land.* Despite its name which means ‘we shall succeed’ in isiXhosa, living conditions here are dire. It is overcrowded, sanitation is not what it should be, and infectious diseases like HIV and tuberculosis (TB) are rife.

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