Johns Hopkins Children's Center

Child with drug-resistant TB successfully treated at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center

Johns Hopkins Children’s Center specialists report they have successfully treated and put in remission a 2-year-old, now age 5, with a highly virulent form of tuberculosis known as XDR TB, or extensively drug-resistant TB. The case, researchers say, provides the first detailed account of a young child in the United States diagnosed and treated for XDR TB.

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Johns Hopkins study highlights challenges of tuberculosis in children worldwide

A small study by investigators from the Johns Hopkins Children's Center and Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College in India reveals high prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) infection among young children, troubling rates of disseminated disease and alarming patterns of drug resistance.

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TB treatment paradox: Mouse studies show body’s own response helps TB bacteria survive

Inhibiting a key immune response in mice during initial multi-drug treatment for tuberculosis could — paradoxically — shorten treatment time for the highly contagious lung infection according to new research from Johns Hopkins Children’s Center and the Center for TB Research.

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