Global Laboratory Inititiave

GLI Core Group: Call for applications

The Secretariat of the Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI) of the Stop TB Partnership, that is hosted by the World Health Organization Global TB Program announced a call for applications for a new member specifically representing communities and persons affected by TB, to serve on the GLI Core Group in 2024-2026.

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GLI Core Group: Call for applications

The Global Laboratory Inititiave (GLI) secretariat announced a "Call for applications" for new members of the GLI Core Group for the 2018-2020 term.

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GLI Core Group: Call for applications

The Global Laboratory Inititiave (GLI) secretariat announces a "Call for applications" for new members of the GLI Core Group for the 2017-2018 term.

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GLI Core Group: Call for applications

The Global Laboratory Inititiave (GLI) secretariat announces a "Call for applications" for new members of the GLI Core Group for the 2016-2017 term.

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